Yearly Archives: 2016

Simple Tips to Speed your Way and Enhance your Security

The end of year holiday period is full of cheer, family and friends and at times, travel.  But ask any experienced traveller and you will hear in short order that it is one of the most stressful periods in the year for air travel.  Long lines, surly airline employees and at times inconsiderate fellow passengers ...
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Key Issues in Hotel Sales and Acquisitions

Buying and selling hotels is, in many ways, similar to buying and selling other types of commercial real estate, such as office buildings, shopping centers, or other mixed-use properties. However, potential purchasers and sellers of hotels must understand the key differences and unique issues that arise in a hotel sale or acquisition. This Note discusses: ...
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Anticipating Trump’s Impact on Labor Relations in the Hotel Industry

Unlike his oval office predecessor, President-elect Donald Trump is expected to limit federal labor and employment agency activism in wage and hour and other employment-related matters. Hotel owners and franchisors, which in recent months have experienced numerous workforce-related challenges, are likely to witness significant labor and employment policy shifts, a few of which are detailed ...
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Strategic Meetings Management

Strategic meetings management is fast becoming best practice among businesses. Using a standardized approach across your company brings benefits that have long been recognized by organizations around the world. By using one central source to track what you’re spending and where, you’ll be able to monitor events and meeting expenditure company-wide. And you’ll see where ...
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Is Your Hotel Security Staff Exposing You to Liability?

BY DAVID M. SAMUELS, ALICIA O’BRIEN Are you a hotel owner and/or operator who employs a private security staff? If so, do not let administrative inattention threaten your business. Take a few key steps to reduce your potential liability. California regulations effective since 2011 require that all hoteliers employing their own security guards must be ...
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FLSA Exemption Changes and the Election

Many employers are wondering whether Donald Trump’s election means that they may now forget about the coming [exemption] changes in the federal Fair Labor Standards Act’s “white collar” definitions. The answer is clear:  The election results do not suspend or reverse those changes. The Countdown Continues By their own terms, the new regulations are scheduled ...
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White House Pushes for Ban on Non-Competes

The enforceability of employee restrictions on competition has traditionally been up the states, with some, like California, largely banning such agreements, while others, like Texas, allowing them with reasonable limitations. On Tuesday, October 25, the White House took the unprecedented step of calling on state legislatures to ban non-competes […]. A news report on the ...
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Medical Marijuana and the Workplace

Dazed and Confused: How Upcoming Ballot Measures and Cases of Interest Continue to Change the Legal Landscape around Marijuana California’s Compassionate Use Act (CUA) of 1996 decriminalized the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes. However, it did not legalize marijuana. It only shields medical users and caregivers from criminal liability. Recently, Governor Brown signed into ...
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Chicago Passes Short-Term Rental Ordinance

The City of Chicago enacted an ordinance that regulates Chicago’s shared housing and vacation rental industry (shared housing ordinance). The shared housing ordinance imposes regulations, registration and licensing requirements, booking surcharges, and reporting requirements on short-term residential rental intermediaries and advertising platforms. Hosts that operate more than one short-term rental in Chicago are also subject ...
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