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Cal/OSHA Compels Hospitality Employers to Clean Up Their Act, Ergonomically Speaking

Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are the single most common type of work-related injury, but federal OSHA has struggled for decades to develop a coherent regulatory and/or enforcement strategy to address the hazards that cause these ergonomic injuries.  Where federal OSHA fell short, the State of California has picked up the slack, with Cal-OSHA recently finalizing a ...
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Beware of the ICE: Hospitality and Retail Industries Need to Prioritize Immigration Compliance

From the beginning of his Presidency, immigration compliance has been a top priority for President Trump. This has included the removal from the U.S. of individuals that U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) terms “higher priority.” While ICE’s enforcement efforts have included a variety of methods and venues, an expansion into worksite enforcement has also ...
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Workplace Violence Fatalities Up in 2016

The Bureau of Labor Statistics recently published workplace fatality statistics for 2016 showing a 7-percent increase from 2015.  Within this increase, workplace violence and other injuries by persons or animals increased 23 percent to become the second-most common fatal event in 2016.  This increase represents an additional 163 cases to 866 in 2016.  Workplace homicides ...
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Avoiding The Blame Game: How To Limit Your Liability To Other Companies’ Employees

Numerous individuals who work in retail stores are actually employed by a company other than the retailer itself. These include vendor employees stocking product, sampling employees who offer customers tasty treats, inventory company employees, cleaning crews, security guards, and delivery personnel. Whether you could be liable as a retailer for the conduct of one of ...
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Performance Evaluations Can Pose Trouble for Employers

It’s that time of year again. You know the one. Supervisors hurriedly completing performance evaluations at the last minute to avoid nasty emails from the HR Department about missed deadlines. Sound familiar? If so, your company may be doing more harm than good. Evaluations are not a time for hurried compliance. These documents are important ...
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Flu Season: Is Your Workplace Prepared?

Influenza (or flu) season has begun in the Northern Hemisphere, where flu activity will continue to increase in the coming months. Even though the flu is a highly contagious and can cause potentially serious disease, many employers do not recognize it as a significant threat and likely suffer losses to their bottom line as a ...
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5-Step Plan To Address Growing Sexual Harassment Concerns

For several months now, it seems that each new day has brought about a fresh round of reporting on yet another high-profile sexual harassment accusation. What started in October with substantiated allegations against movie producer Harvey Weinstein has blossomed into dozens of claims against Hollywood executives, actors, comedians, politicians, media personalities, and corporate executives. The ...
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The Die Hard Survival Guide To This Year’s Office Holiday Party

While you can debate all you want about whether 1988’s Die Hard is a Christmas movie (it is – don’t fight us on this point), you can’t disagree with the fact that the movie depicts one of the all-time most memorable office holiday parties in cinematic history. A band of thieves posing as terrorists crash ...
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Steps Employers Can Take to Prevent and Respond to Claims of Sexual Harassment

High-profile instances of inappropriate sexual behavior and sexual harassment in the workplace continue to grab headlines. While media coverage has focused on cases from the media, entertainment and political arenas, every employer should have heightened awareness of sexual harassment in the workplace at this time, regardless of industry. Of course, the media coverage of the ...
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Legal Perspective on the Health, Safety & Security Responsibilities for US Mobile Workforce

Fisher & Phillips LLP attorneys are not only well equipped to assist employers in developing or updating safety and health management programs for employees working domestically, but can also assist employers who are sending employees to work abroad –something that is becoming the norm rather than the exception for United States employers. Often times, employers ...
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