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Two New Free Disability-Savvy Resources from the Mid-Atlantic ADA Center

Accessible Meetings, Events and Conferences Guide and “at your “at your service” 20-minute film features disability leaders offering tips for customers with a variety of disabilities. For the past nine years, the Mid-Atlantic ADA Center (one of 10 regional ADA information centers of the ADA National Network) has spearheaded the ADA National Network’s “Hospitality Initiative” – ...
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Employers Reminded Of Workplace Violence Dangers

A new case on workplace violence in Missouri demonstrates the practical and legal challenges many employers face in today’s environment. The case shows the risk extends beyond violence by employees to violence by nonemployees – particularly in situations involving domestic abuse. Background: Employee Assigns Partial Blame For Tragedy On EmployerThe facts of the case are ...
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What You Should Know Before Monitoring Your Employees and Guests

Co-authored by John Marvos Employees can make or break businesses in the service industry. While customer service oriented employees create a luxurious experience at a lesser establishment, employees that don’t prioritize customer service can ruin a guest’s experience even at the most finely-appointed hotel. However, managers and supervisors cannot always be present to recognize and ...
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Restaurant industry leader Danny Meyer ends tipping. Who will follow?

If you happen to have a late-November reservation at the Modern, Danny Meyer’s two-­Michelin-star restaurant in New York’s Museum of Modern Art, here’s some good news: When the bill comes, you’ll no longer have to do any fuzzy math on a full stomach and a few glasses of champagne. Meyer, head of the Union Square ...
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Five Evolving Issues Confronting Employers in the Hospitality Industry

As the hospitality industry continues to grow and expand, one common goal is to provide all-inclusive experiences for visitors and patrons. Unfortunately, given the breadth of the goods and services offered to the public and the workforce employed to supply these experiences, the hospitality industry is also providing plaintiffs’ attorneys and government regulators with their ...
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Sharing is Daring under Browning-Ferris

From franchisers and companies hiring workers through staffing agencies to participants in the so-called “sharing economy,” companies and individuals today enter into a variety of contractual arrangements to reduce costs and to maximize available capital, flexibility, talent and efficiency in delivering goods and services. The recent decision of the National Labor Relations Board (“NLRB” or ...
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Active Shooter Response Planning

With every news flash of a workplace active shooter incident, now almost monthly, it becomes increasingly evident that organizations/businesses/schools need an Active Shooter Response Plan. Furthermore, this is not a one size fits all challenge. Granted, the plan from one organization or institution to another may have some common reaction guidelines. Most of the active ...
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As Minimum Wages Rise, Restaurants Say No to Tips, Yes to Higher Prices

SEATTLE — Restaurant owners, customers and staff have long railed against the tyranny of tipping, but like a love affair gone bad, it has proved difficult to quit. Now, prompted by a spurt of new minimum wage proposals in major cities, an expanding number of restaurateurs are experimenting with no-tipping policies as a way to ...
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Can There Be Confidentiality in the Age of Social Media?

Co-Authored By:  Scott Sweeney The proliferation of social media in the workplace has increased the risk of potential liabilities for companies. Specifically, there is a growing amount of litigation arising out of the use of confidential or proprietary information shared on social media websites. Employers have been facing, and will continue to face, a range ...
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