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Corporate Travel Focus 2014 – Data Security, Travel Risk Management and Mobile Tech

Travel data security, risk management while traveling to emerging countries and demand for additional mobile technology will be the focus for corporates next year, says corporate travel management company HRG. Travel Data Security The UK-based TMC recommends corporates have a global data consolidation strategy in order to mitigate risks associated with data protection and privacy. ...
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Cross-Border Telecommuting Checklist

Belgium’s Roger Blanpain, perhaps the world’s preeminent professor of international employment law, once said that “we live in an information society, driven by knowledge in action.…[Services] can be provided via the information highways from anywhere, even from the other side of the globe…We are in a New World. It immediately becomes clear why developments in the globalized, non-material market ...
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Staying Vigilant for Your Guests: Hotel Safety, Scam Awareness, and Hacking Defense

No guest wants to feel insecure about the safety of his/her person, belongings, and bank account when staying at a hotel. No hotel owner wants his/her guests to feel this way, either! But the threat exists, and in our world of rapidly advancing technology, it evolves by the day. Hotel owners must take effective, adaptive ...
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Trends in Privacy and Data Security Breaches

As large-scale security breaches at major companies captured headlines in 2014, lawmakers in the US and abroad remain active on both the regulatory and enforcement fronts.Large-scale security breaches involving national retailers commanded the headlines and spurred private litigation over when an individual has standing to bring a lawsuit following a data breach. Privacy and data ...
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Facebook and Police Warrants: Can They Really Do That?

As anyone with a Facebook account knows, many people use their accounts to broadcast personal information to their Friends. You could even say that some Facebook users use their accounts as diaries, describing what they’ve done, where they’ve been, and how they feel. It’s highly doubtful, though, that these users would be disclosing such information ...
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Best Practices for Mobile Device Data Security

In 2014, it became official: There now are more active mobile devices in the world than people, according to data compiled by GSMA Intelligence and the U.S. Census Bureau. The rise in mobile devices is not confined to personal use; mobile devices increasingly play an integral role in many business operations. We rely on mobile ...
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Passing Credit Card Swipe Fees to Employees and Guests

Our national hospitality practice frequently advises restaurant owners and operators on whether it is legal for employers to pass credit card swipe fees onto employees or even to guests, and the short answer is, yes, in most states. But whether an employer wants to actually pass along this charge and risk alienating their staff or ...
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A Hotelier’s Guide to Serious Wi-Fi

Major online hospitality outlets like Hotel Industry Magazine and Travel Daily UK are announcing the results of a NETGEAR study in which two-thirds of business travelers reported they would not return to a hotel that offers inadequate wireless service. Now, we can’t find a direct link to that survey, and the findings do encourage the purchase of the technology ...
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