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Foreign Trip Travel Insurance and Evacuations

One of my clients recently requested foreign trip travel insurance to Kurdistan through a major insurance company. While discussing the proposal with the underwriter, I asked if Kurdistan was on a no-travel list.  Her response:  “Oh, it should be fine!” Somewhat perplexed by her reaction, I politely informed her that Kurdistan is a province in ...
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Ebola and Terrorism Threaten African Tourism

African tourism was severely impacted by the global recession that started around 2008. In 2013 we started seeing signs of a recovery, with the number of tourists increasing by over 5%, or three million, over 2012. This increase created a positive anticipation that 2014 would be the year in which normality returned to the tourism ...
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Are You Keeping Your Smartphone Smart?

More and more companies are empowering their workforce and executives to stay engaged with the office when traveling, by providing a myriad of devices such as iPhones, iPads, Laptops and other smartphone devices. The threat to corporate information protection increases when employees are traveling for business. Let alone, the physical threat of device theft; the ...
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Corporate Travel Focus 2014 – Data Security, Travel Risk Management and Mobile Tech

Travel data security, risk management while traveling to emerging countries and demand for additional mobile technology will be the focus for corporates next year, says corporate travel management company HRG. Travel Data Security The UK-based TMC recommends corporates have a global data consolidation strategy in order to mitigate risks associated with data protection and privacy. ...
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The Ridesharing Economy: Uber and Lyft Business Travel

Ridesharing Most everyone, by now, has heard of Uber and Lyft. In theory, the transportation services they provide make total sense from a consumer, employee and employer standpoint. A customer takes out his or her phone, loads the app, requests a ride and within minutes he or she is in a car on the way to the destination. There’s no doubt ...
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Ensuring Worker Safety Abroad

Ensuring Worker Safety Abroad: Although kidnapping of Americans abroad gets all the publicity, other risks await business travelers. Here’s what a business manager needs to know before sending an employee overseas. Before Traveling Research. Before a trip abroad, travelers should gain a general understanding of the country’s cultural, economic and political situation. The U.S. State Department issues Consular Information Sheets for every country of the world with ...
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