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brush painting green an aircraft. Greenwashing malpractice, Zero emissions, SAF or Sustainable Aviation Fuel, Circular economy, net CO2 emissions or biofuel concepts.

Carbon Neutrality Suit Against Delta Airlines Signals the Arrival Time of “Greenwashing” Litigation

A recent class action filed against Delta Airlines is among the first major consumer cases targeting claims of carbon neutrality. The complaint, filed in Mayanna Berrin v. Delta Airlines Inc., No. 2:23-cv-04150 (C.D. Cal.) on May 30, 2023, in the United States District Court for the Central District of California, takes aim at Delta Airlines’ “carbon neutral” representations, ...
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Airline Precautions to Reduce COVID-19 Transmission Vary in Effectiveness

Airlines are instituting varying precautions as part of their campaigns to encourage travelers to fly during the pandemic, and to further reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission. Travelers who understand the effectiveness of each of the precautions are equipped to make informed decisions when assessing the risk of flying. Travelers can also take additional steps ...
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Threat of Contracting COVID-19 on an Airline is Low

The global COVID-19 pandemic has led to fears that infected airline passengers could spread the disease to everybody else on the aircraft. These fears are largely unfounded, and disease transmission on a commercial airliner is relatively rare. Although the risk of contracting COVID-19 on a commercial airliner is low, the COVID-19 pandemic is having an ...
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Impacts of Airline Failures on Travelers

The recent failure of the British holiday company Thomas Cook – which owned several airlines, including Thomas Cook Airlines (MT) – highlights how an airline’s financial distress and shutdown can cause serious disruptions for travelers. The scale and impacts of airline failures on travelers can vary depending on what steps the government in an airline’s ...
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6 Tools To Help You Understand Airline Safety

Modern airline travel is statistically the safest form of transportation the world has ever seen, but airline safety is still a common cause of concern among travelers – especially those traveling on an airline they have never heard of. Many travelers evaluate an airline’s safety by looking up the airline’s safety record, but there are ...
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