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Popular Hotel in Somalia Is Bombed by Militants

By MOHAMMED IBRAHIM and JEFFREY GETTLEMAN MOGADISHU, Somalia — Islamist militants stormed a popular hotel in the heart of Mogadishu, Somalia’s capital, on Sunday, blowing up the front gate with a car bomb, shooting guests and hotel workers, and then battling with security forces from the hotel’s rooftop for several hours. Somali government officials said ...
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Amtrak says to suspend national rail service without safety extension: letter

Amtrak has told U.S. lawmakers that it will suspend service on its national network in mid-December unless Congress extends a Dec. 31 deadline for implementing advanced safety technology, according to an Oct. 5 letter from Amtrak reviewed by Reuters. The letter, addressed to Senate Commerce Committee Chairman John Thune, a South Dakota Republican, says service ...
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Europe’s Migrant Crisis Sparks Fear of Radicalized Presence

With arrivals at more than half-million strong and growing, is ISIS exploiting the crisis to gain a tactical advantage? With staggering speed, the migration crisis in Europe has grown in 2015 from a steady trickle of families huddled in rickety boats to the largest refugee crisis on the continent since World War II.  So far, ...
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What the Foiled Train Attack Revealed

Bottom Line Up Front:  The foiled attack on a Amsterdam-Paris high-speed train on August 21 revealed the vulnerability of non-aviation mass transit The incident also revealed the thin line between mass murder and minor injuries that are a hallmark of poorly planned lone wolf attacks; bystanders have very short windows in which intervention is possible ...
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Ebola and Terrorism Threaten African Tourism

African tourism was severely impacted by the global recession that started around 2008. In 2013 we started seeing signs of a recovery, with the number of tourists increasing by over 5%, or three million, over 2012. This increase created a positive anticipation that 2014 would be the year in which normality returned to the tourism ...
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Ensuring Worker Safety Abroad

Ensuring Worker Safety Abroad: Although kidnapping of Americans abroad gets all the publicity, other risks await business travelers. Here’s what a business manager needs to know before sending an employee overseas. Before Traveling Research. Before a trip abroad, travelers should gain a general understanding of the country’s cultural, economic and political situation. The U.S. State Department issues Consular Information Sheets for every country of the world with ...
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Helicopters and Evacuations at High Altitude

If you’re responsible for creating your company’s plan to evacuate mobile employees for medical, meteorological, or geopolitical reasons, consider altitude when developing your strategy. You should review a number of factors, but focus especially on your evacuation vehicle of choice—and remember, helicopters don’t fly quite so well at high altitude. Ever since Igor Sikorsky created ...
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