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Hospitality Industry Remains in the Cross Hairs of Department of Labor Following Wage Violation Study

A December 2014 study of the effects of minimum wage violations commissioned by the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) found associated violations to be “concentrated in the leisure and hospitality industry” and “most prevalent in the service occupations.” The study analyzed the financial and economic impact of minimum wage violations in California and New York on such areas ...
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Due Diligence – Always Accommodate Food Allergy Customers

While restaurant management may have good intentions to develop an allergy accommodation program, it may never be fully instituted or fully communicated to the staff. The Model Retail Food Code which was modified by the FDA in 2009, states that the “Person in Charge” of a food establishment must know and understand food allergens. They are also required to ...
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Revisit Food Allergies and Accommodations for Guests and Employees

A broadly worded settlement agreement between the U.S. Department of Justice and Lesley University extends the Americans with Disabilities Act’s protections to individuals with severe allergies. This new, expansive interpretation of the term “disability” could increase potential legal exposure to failure to accommodate claims under the ADA, making it more important than ever to ensure ...
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Active Shooting: It Can’t Happen Here

After almost every active shooting in the United States the residents of the victim city invariably say, “It can’t happen here”. But it does and in every state. From Hawaii and Alaska to Maine and Florida, active shooter deaths or workplace violence homicides have plagued communities. No state is immune. No community is unaffected by its brutality, insanity ...
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12 Hottest Food & Beverage Trends for Restaurants and Hotel Dining for 2014 + 30 Buzzwords

Consultants Baum+Whiteman say that concepts of luxury thread through top dining trends: tasting menus running $1,000 for two, haute chicken priced like steak, upscale food halls, bespoke spices … even theatrical and sci-fi effects changing the global dining scene by bombarding customers’ senses. 2090Department stores jumping back into the restaurant biz. Hipster Asian and Jewish ...
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Exemptions and Credits that Result in Savings for the Hotel and Restaurant Industry

I’m pleased to introduce guest author Katie Nguyen, a CPA from local accounting firm, Clark Nuber. Katie specializes in state and local taxes for the hospitality industry and has offered to share her experience and knowledge with the Duff on Hospitality readers. Welcome, Katie, and thank you for today’s post on some important tax incentives available to Washington’s ...
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Increases to Minimum Wage by West Coast States Are On the Up and Up

As fast food workers across the country stage walkouts in a push for a $15 hourly wage and the Obama administration renews its call to boost the federal minimum wage, states on the left coast have already embraced employee-friendly increases. Oregon, the state with the second-highest minimum wage in the country, announced last week that ...
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How to Serve Alcohol at a Company Party Without Getting Sued

With the holidays right around the corner, many businesses will host festive company outings and events for their employees, including parties at the office—and often these celebrations include alcohol. Employers need to understand the legal parameters of having alcohol in the workplace in order to establish a safe, responsible and enjoyable work environment for their ...
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Promoting Alcohol Through Social Media

Social Media is the new land of opportunity for all in manufacturing and retail.  Facebook and Twitter alone allow restaurants, hotels, and bars unprecedented conversation with their customers.  The access to these consumers is in real time and moves beyond the capabilities of any standard brand website.  Understandably, motivation to interact with consumers by offering ...
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ID Scanners: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Lately, bars, lounges and nightclubs are using a variety of new devices that scan patron identification cards upon entry, storing the information for future reference, and in some instances, sharing the information with other proprietors or using it for marketing purposes. The justification for the scanners is that they assist in age verification and fake ...
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