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Listeria – Expert Fact Sheet

In this document, Food Safety Expert, Barry E. Parsons, FMP, CP-FS, CCFS provides introductory information on Listeria, including symptoms, notable outbreaks, and what food service establishments should be doing to prevent outbreaks. PREVALENCE  Approximately 1,600 illnesses and 260 deaths are attributed to listeriosis, from Listeria Monocytogenes (LM), in the United States each year. A large ...
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Alcoholic Beverage Industry: Three-Tier System

The U.S. Alcoholic beverage industry is very complex and highly regulated, and the laws currently in place find their roots in the time of prohibition and its repeal. Prohibition (18th Amendment to the US Constitution) was repealed through ratification of the 21st Amendment to the US Constitution in 1933 and the FAA  (Federal Alcohol Administration) ...
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How To: Get Employees Involved with Your Pest Control Program

Pest issues can arise in food service establishments for a variety of reasons, from incoming shipments and landscaping to sanitation and facility maintenance. That’s a lot of ground to cover for one person, so the most successful pest control programs involve a team approach. Your employees are the eyes and ears of your establishment and ...
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As Minimum Wages Rise, Restaurants Say No to Tips, Yes to Higher Prices

SEATTLE — Restaurant owners, customers and staff have long railed against the tyranny of tipping, but like a love affair gone bad, it has proved difficult to quit. Now, prompted by a spurt of new minimum wage proposals in major cities, an expanding number of restaurateurs are experimenting with no-tipping policies as a way to ...
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Recent Events Highlight Legionella Risks for Commercial Real Estate, Hospitality, and Health Care Industries

Co-authored by Aaron Mapes Legionnaires Disease has grabbed headlines in recent weeks, with high profile outbreaks that have resulted in sicknesses and deaths, along with calls for stricter regulation of water systems, particularly HVAC cooling towers. In New York City this summer, an outbreak traced to a cooling tower at a Bronx hotel resulted in ...
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The Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act’s Impact

FDA’s steadfast position against formally addressing “Natural” claims on food products may soon be forced to change if the Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act, which the House of Representatives passed on July 23, 2015, is enacted. The Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act (“SAFLA”) serves largely to prohibit state and local governments from enacting ...
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Food Safety Insurance and The FDA’s Forthcoming Rule

A recent ruling by the California Supreme Court continues a national trend of decisions over the past several years denying coverage for potential contamination incidents under product contamination insurance (PCI) policies. The latest decision is rendered at a critical time for the food industry. By the end of summer, food companies face regulatory transformations not ...
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Maximizing Coverage for Additional Insureds

Co-Authored by: Diana Shafter Gliedman The hospitality industry relies on insurance coverage to protect against a wide range of risks, from simple slip-and-falls to devastating property damage. Every entity is different, and selecting the most appropriate insurance coverage for a particular property or company is crucial. Yet it is increasingly common for members of the hospitality industry to ...
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Passing Credit Card Swipe Fees to Employees and Guests

Our national hospitality practice frequently advises restaurant owners and operators on whether it is legal for employers to pass credit card swipe fees onto employees or even to guests, and the short answer is, yes, in most states. But whether an employer wants to actually pass along this charge and risk alienating their staff or ...
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