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Minimum “Exempt” Salary Threshold Raised and Millions of Additional Workers Entitled to Overtime

On May 18, 2016, President Obama and the Labor Department issued the much anticipated final rule regarding overtime regulations, which significantly raises the minimum salary threshold required to qualify for “white collar exemptions” under the Fair Labor Standards Act.  These new Department of Labor Overtime Rules may be of particular interest to businesses in the ...
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Webinar: Non-Violent Confrontation Management (NVCM) Overview

Date: Thursday, July 7, 2016Time: 1:00pm – 2:00pm ESTCost: FREESpeaker: Rob Shuster, VP Protective Services and Training, AFIMAC GlobalStephen Barth, Attorney and Founder, Yes, I would like to attend Webinar Outline This webinar will focus on verbal and nonverbal tools to handle confrontational exchanges with agitated people. We will review the stages of how ...
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Department of Labor Announces Final Overtime Rule

by: Andrea Kirshenbaum Today the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) formally announced its Final Rule which more than doubles the minimum salary threshold for “executive,” “administrative,” and “professional,” employees to qualify as exempt from overtime pay under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). The DOL estimates that the Final Rule, which will become effective on ...
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Minimum Wage Raise in California

It’s official: California goes for $15 minimum wage raise Some may say the minimum wage raise is inevitable. Of course there are staunch opinions on both sides raising very challenging issues. “Gov. Jerry Brown [of California] announced a landmark deal between lawmakers and union leaders that would increase the state’s minimum wage to $15 an ...
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Social Media and the NLRA Lessons for Hospitality Employers

Social Media and the NLRA for Hospitality Employers Social media has endless and valuable opportunities for the hospitality industry. From “valuable marketing” to connecting on a more personal level with consumers, social media can make or break a brand. However, in order to “maintain a positive reputation” on a world-wide platform like Twitter, it is ...
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Big Changes Are Coming to Overtime Laws in 2016

“On March 13, 2014, President Obama signed a Presidential Memorandum directing the United States Department of Labor (DOL) to update the regulations regarding white-collar workers. In June 2015, the DOL announced its proposed regulations, which call for sweeping changes that would more than double the minimum annual salary employers must pay white-collar employees (from $23,660 ...
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Joint Employment Concerns Grow for Franchisors

Recent guidance issued by the Department of Labor ensures that, like 2015, joint employment will remain a hot topic for franchisors in 2016. Last year, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) captured the full attention of the franchise industry by “restating” the standard for finding joint employment in Browning-Ferris Industries of California, Inc., 362 N.L.R.B. ...
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Ninth Circuit Reverses District Court Decisions, Reviving U.S. Department of Labor Rule Restricting Tip-Pool Distribution

Reversing a federal district court’s order invalidating 2011 revisions to the DOL’s tip-pool regulation, a divided Ninth Circuit held the agency acted within its authority when it promulgated the rule change. As revised, the tip pool regulation prohibits an employer from including non-tipped staff in tip pools even when it does not take the tip credit, but ...
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