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Declining Flight Crew Health and Happiness Degrades Air Safety

We all have our pre-flight rituals. Some passengers need a coffee and a magazine. Others, not as keen to flying, spend their time before takeoff silently praying that the engines don’t fail; as it turns out, engine integrity may be the least of their worries. Recent studies indicate that the health and job satisfaction of ...
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What is the OFCCP and Do Hoteliers and Restauranteurs Need to Care?

Co-Authored By: Lucy Bisognano The Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) enforces regulations aimed at federal government contractors, with a specific eye towards preventing both intentional and unintentional employment discrimination based on any protected class (e.g. race, sex, or disability). Many employers think that the OFCCP has no interest in them because they do ...
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Maximizing Insurance Recovery For Employee Crime

Employee theft is a significant source of loss in the hospitality industry. Reports have found that 34% of employees in the 18-–29 age bracket believe that stealing from their employer is justifiable. It is believed that as much as one-third of all restaurant failures are due, in significant part, to theft by employees, and the ...
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Creating an In-House Domestic Violence Program

If you read Part 1 of this article, you should already be convinced of the importance of addressing domestic violence in your organization and hopefully, you’re ready to learn how to develop and implement an in-house program. This piece will layout the steps to building, launching, and maintaining an effective, cost saving (and possibly life ...
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Avoiding Pitfalls with Unpaid Internships

To Pay or Not to Pay? As the school year begins again, it is a great time for hoteliers to think about their unpaid internship programs.  Unpaid internships can be great symbiotic relationships.  College students or individuals trying out new fields are willing to work for free in exchange for real-life work experience and something ...
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Is There an Intern in Your Future?

There was a significant increase in the number of class-action lawsuits in 2012 brought by a former intern, many of whom were in unpaid positions working in the business sector.  But recently the educational community received a wake-up call when Hamilton College was hit with a class-action lawsuit involving its paid interns. The Facts In ...
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Social Media and Trade Secrets

Social Media and Trade Secrets The various issues created by Facebook, LinkedIn, and other similar platforms lead to constant requests for input by management-side employment lawyers. Likewise, employers – especially those in industries with a heavy emphasis on relationships for research and development – are also focused on protection of their trade secrets and other ...
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