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Where Liability Falls When Guest Safety is Compromised

by: Casey Gale It almost sounds like the beginning of a low-budget horror movie. According to his claims, in 2008 Michael David Barrett gained access to a back-of-the-house phone in the Nashville Marriott at Vanderbilt University to learn sportscaster Erin Andrews’s room number. Without using Andrews’s name, he requested to be placed in the neighboring ...
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Hospitality & Gaming Risk Management

Cyber Risk Management In the realm of hospitality and gaming risk management, “securing data against unauthorized and unintentional disclosure continues to be elusive” and consistently presents itself as a problem. It is important to emphasize the need for a “strategy that includes careful contracting, quality insurance coverage, and cyber security due diligence” to fight against ...
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Personal Protective Measures for Today’s Global Citizens

Personal protective tips are a necessity for business travelers. From the Post Vietnam War era of kidnapping and ransom scenarios throughout South America to terror attacks against western cultures in Europe and the US, the number and types of threats faced by travelers continues to increase. Unfortunately, what we have yet to see is same ...
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Cyber and Privacy Risk Advisory

Hospitality Industry Spotlight by Gamelah Palagonia Senior Vice President, Finex Hoteliers have long been major hacking targets – a trend that is likely to continue given the volume of credit and debit card transactions the industry processes. While all business should assess and implement comprehensive privacy and data security policies to ensure adequate protection of ...
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Corporate Travel Focus 2014 – Data Security, Travel Risk Management and Mobile Tech

Travel data security, risk management while traveling to emerging countries and demand for additional mobile technology will be the focus for corporates next year, says corporate travel management company HRG. Travel Data Security The UK-based TMC recommends corporates have a global data consolidation strategy in order to mitigate risks associated with data protection and privacy. ...
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Competition & Markets Authority Recommendations for Online Reviews

The Competition & Markets Authority (CMA), which investigates business practices and enforces anti-competition and consumer protection legislation in the UK, just released a report and call for information that signals more scrutiny for online reviews and endorsements. Though the report does not identify companies or sites that will be the subject of investigation, it expresses a ...
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Risk Management vs. Big Brother

Craig Banikowski takes a look at the fine line between risk management and an overbearing and potentially privacy invading way of managing traveling employees. Read below for a look at useful tips to maintain safety from a close but reasonable distance. As travel professionals working in the aftermath of 9/11, the 2004 Madrid train bombings, ...
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A Guide to Cyber Coverage

This article was first published in the ABA Coverage Journal July-August 2014, Vol. 24, No. 4. Unless you have been living under a rock for the past few years (without a wireless connection), you are likely familiar with the countless news stories that unfold every day reporting seemingly fantastic tales of cyber espionage, hacker attacks, ...
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Grooming, Recruiting and Taking the Bait: The Road to Radicalization, Part II

Second of a Fictional Series (Click here for Part I) The TGV or Train a Grande Vitesse, the ultra-high speed star of France’s national railroad system, SCNF, had pulled into berth 17 at the Marseille-Saint Charles station, simmering down after its nearly four hour trek from Paris.  Out of an economy class car steps Mahibah, a 24-year ...
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Business Resiliency Checklist

Business resiliency contemplates all hazards across the extended enterprise, including operations, people, goods and intellectual property. To achieve business resiliency throughout an organization, leaders must have the tools to anticipate and monitor threats, and stand ready to respond to disruptions and opportunities in real time. This Business Resiliency Checklist reflects the Key Process Areas to be defined, monitored ...
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