Safety & Security ( Page 14 )

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Combating cybercrime in the hospitality business

Technology has changed our lives for the better, but like every other development it has its downside. Data breaches have become common news, and the latest victim is the hospitality industry. The 2016 Trustwave Global Security Report has found the hospitality industry to be the second-most vulnerable to security breaches behind the retail industry. The ...
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Lyft agrees to revised $27 mln deal in driver lawsuit

Lyft has agreed to pay $27 million to settle a class action lawsuit brought by California drivers who claimed they should be deemed employees instead of independent contractors, after a U.S. judge rejected a previous $12.25 million deal as too small. Lyft and larger rival Uber are attempting to resolve lawsuits by drivers who contend ...
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The Zika Virus – How Is It Impacting the Meetings and Travel Industry

Chances are if you’ve been on the internet or watched more than five minutes of TV, you’ve heard of the Zika virus. But how is it “impacting the meetings and travel industry?” With the continuing spread of the zika virus, “more than one-third of respondents had moved or canceled meeting that were scheduled to take ...
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What is a Safe Floor? – Expert Article

Do you provide a safe floor for your guests? What about your employees? Slip, trip, and fall injuries are accidents; however, they could be the result of not providing a safe floor. Although each case is unique, there have been found to be “common factors” in these situations. Anthony Shinsky of Robson Forensic explores what ...
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Detecting and Neutralizing Terrorist Plots in Europe Requires Greater Integration of Intel and Police Agencies

Europe suffered yet another horrific terrorist attack last month, this time in Belgium.  ISIS-inspired, radicalized, young European men placed multiple explosive devices in a departure terminal of the Zaventem International Airport in Brussels, causing massive loss of life.  They simultaneuosly blew up a commuter rail car packed with passengers.  The attacks, coordinated among disenfranchised Belgian ...
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Where Liability Falls When Guest Safety is Compromised

by: Casey Gale It almost sounds like the beginning of a low-budget horror movie. According to his claims, in 2008 Michael David Barrett gained access to a back-of-the-house phone in the Nashville Marriott at Vanderbilt University to learn sportscaster Erin Andrews’s room number. Without using Andrews’s name, he requested to be placed in the neighboring ...
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Senators Propose More Security After Terror Attacks

Because of the recent surge in terrorist attacks, Democratic senators propose more security at airports and other transportation hubs. According to Joan Lowy of The Associated Press, the proposal would include increasing government “viper teams” that are used to search suspicious passengers before screening. The goal in the new initiative would be to increase the ...
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Hospitality & Gaming Risk Management

Cyber Risk Management In the realm of hospitality and gaming risk management, “securing data against unauthorized and unintentional disclosure continues to be elusive” and consistently presents itself as a problem. It is important to emphasize the need for a “strategy that includes careful contracting, quality insurance coverage, and cyber security due diligence” to fight against ...
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Personal Protective Measures for Today’s Global Citizens

Personal protective tips are a necessity for business travelers. From the Post Vietnam War era of kidnapping and ransom scenarios throughout South America to terror attacks against western cultures in Europe and the US, the number and types of threats faced by travelers continues to increase. Unfortunately, what we have yet to see is same ...
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