Safety & Security ( Page 20 )

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Update: Ebola and Ebola-Related Disruptions in West Africa

Since December 2013, when the first Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) case is believed to have occurred in Guinea, the West African countries of Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone have struggled with the region’s first known EVD outbreak. After identifying the outbreak in March 2014, the situation improved during April, when disease activity was contained in ...
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Best Practices for Mobile Device Data Security

In 2014, it became official: There now are more active mobile devices in the world than people, according to data compiled by GSMA Intelligence and the U.S. Census Bureau. The rise in mobile devices is not confined to personal use; mobile devices increasingly play an integral role in many business operations. We rely on mobile ...
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Suction Entrapment in Hotel Swimming Pools

Background In June of 2002, 7-year old Virginia Graeme Baker drowned when she became stuck to the suction drain outlet of a hot tub.  Baker, who had been swimming without assistance since age 3, was trapped underwater against the drain by the suction force of the water flowing into the drain.  She was unable to ...
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Studies on Restaurant Food Handling and Food Safety Practices

Beef Grinding Logs Study Objective: To describe recordkeeping practices of beef grinding activities in retail establishments. Study Results: We surveyed 125 establishments and where available, reviewed grinding records. We found that less than half of establishments kept grinding records. Only 22% of records had all data needed for effective traceback (e.g., grind date and time, ...
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Reducing the “Insider Threat” Risk

We recently provided guidance on reducing the all hazards threat to small business. Readers may remember that we touched on physical threats to your infrastructure and equipment stemming from broken or damaged structures, debris in hallways or access routes, faulty electrical lines, etc. We made brief mention of the “insider threat” but did not dwell ...
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Protecting Executives Abroad with Kidnap & Ransom Insurance

For most Americans, the notion of being kidnapped and held for ransom is nothing more than the plot to a good action movie. For international business travelers, wealthy, or high-profile individuals living and traveling abroad (or individuals perceived as such), however, kidnapping can be a very real threat. Kidnapping for ransom has historically been a ...
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The Risky Business of Travel

Employees traveling internationally can create remunerative results and attain a reinvigorated pleasure in traveling as a representative of the company. Traveling across the pond for business purposes may also result in an onslaught of predicaments for the company. Predicaments that the employee might not have been informed of prior to departure. Small and large companies ...
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Security in Bars, Taverns, And Nightclubs – It’s Not Just the Guards

In many parts of countries around the world, the neighborhood bar provides a location for friends to gather. Taverns offer patrons a place to drink and dine. Night clubs offer a high energy atmosphere that combines dancing and the consumption of alcohol. Hotels, motels, and entertainment complexes often contain bars, taverns, and nightclubs. For the ...
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Risk Management vs. Big Brother

Craig Banikowski takes a look at the fine line between risk management and an overbearing and potentially privacy invading way of managing traveling employees. Read below for a look at useful tips to maintain safety from a close but reasonable distance. As travel professionals working in the aftermath of 9/11, the 2004 Madrid train bombings, ...
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