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Security Planning for Business Aviation Travel – Part 1: Pre-Planning

Business aviation and aircraft operators benefit enormously from ordering security intelligence reports for international destinations they haven’t visited in sixty days or longer. Check out this list of seven key items to know before ordering a report(s), including crucial distinctions among the three types of intelligence reports and tips for the best methods of obtaining ...
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Active Shooting: It Can’t Happen Here

After almost every active shooting in the United States the residents of the victim city invariably say, “It can’t happen here”. But it does and in every state. From Hawaii and Alaska to Maine and Florida, active shooter deaths or workplace violence homicides have plagued communities. No state is immune. No community is unaffected by its brutality, insanity ...
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Hotels, Restaurants, and Firearms

On July 9, the Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC) reported a marked increase in permits to carry concealed firearms. Citing official state reports as its sources, the study describes a 130-percent increase (p.4) in the number of Americans with concealed carry permits from 2007 and 2013. In 2007, 4.6 million citizens had a concealed carry license (CCL); in 2013, that number increased to ...
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Ebola Examined: The History of a Viral Scourge

In 2014, we’ve seen epidemics and pandemics portrayed extensively in film and theorized about in mass media. Despite the low fatality rates associated with real-life outbreaks like modern-day H1N1, pandemics are typically portrayed as diseases with a devastating fatality rate. Just when we’re ready to chalk up the exceptionally high body counts of the plagues in Contagion and 24 Days Later to ...
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How Travel Buyers Can Help End Child Trafficking

The Problem With the use of online classified ads, child trafficking has moved off the streets and behind the closed doors of local hotel rooms. Youth are targeted and manipulated by pimps who transport victims from city to city via U.S. owned airlines and buses. Exploiters use hotel rooms as venues to abuse children, knowing that systems are not ...
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In Flight Cameras Would Assist in Accident Reconstruction, Crew Training and Enhanced Passenger Safety

With the final chapter on Malaysian Air flight #370 still unwritten, many aviation and security analysts seem to have attributed the tragedy to a sinister event, perhaps on the part of the pilot in command or the first officer.  Some have speculated that another crew member might have been responsible or even a passenger or ...
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Corporate Aviation Security: A Four-Pronged Approach to Improving Aviation Security

In major countries like the United States or European Union, executives may move via corporate jet, and not just through major airports like New York’s Kennedy, Frankfurt Airport, or London’s Heathrow but also through minor airports. Here, the issue is that minor airports may lack the security infrastructure of their larger counterparts. This problem is ...
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Weathering the Storm with “Crisis Response” Insurance

In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing. — Theodore Roosevelt Families save hard-earned dollars looking forward to an upcoming vacation or get-away. Our basic demands are few but fundamental. The ...
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Common Accident Causes are Frequently Linked to Poor Employee Discipline

Did you know that over 80 out of every 100 accidents are the fault of the person involved in the incident? It’s true. Unsafe acts cause four times as many accidents as unsafe conditions. Accidents occur for many reasons.  In  many  situations,  people  tend  to  look  for  “things”  or  reasons  to  blame  when  an accident ...
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