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Risk Intelligent Proxy Disclosures — 2013

Download report | Download infographic In 2013, Deloitte conducted further analysis of board level risk oversight disclosures in proxy statements issued by S&P 200 companies. Similar to our efforts in 2010 and 2011, our analysis of risk-related disclosures in proxy statements was to provide a glimpse into risk oversight and management practices — at least to ...
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Cyber Security Risk in a Social Media World

The theft of intellectual property from the U.S. is “unprecedented,” and costs the nation an estimated $300 billion each year, according to the IP Commission Report, issued in May.  Worse, corporate employees—through their information sharing practices—are making it easy for IP thieves. Sharing information is now the way of business and social life. Companies have ...
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Promoting Alcohol Through Social Media

Social Media is the new land of opportunity for all in manufacturing and retail.  Facebook and Twitter alone allow restaurants, hotels, and bars unprecedented conversation with their customers.  The access to these consumers is in real time and moves beyond the capabilities of any standard brand website.  Understandably, motivation to interact with consumers by offering ...
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Dogs Have Owners, Hotels Have Staff

In traffic yesterday, I saw a bumper sticker that read “Dogs have owners, cats have staff.” Given the sticker was surrounded by other feline-themed paraphernalia, I surmised that the driver was boasting about her personal capacity to successfully coexist with Tigger, Boots, or whatever the name she gave to her cat, regardless if the cat ...
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