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Grooming, Recruiting and Taking the Bait: The Road to Radicalization, Part II

Second of a Fictional Series (Click here for Part I) The TGV or Train a Grande Vitesse, the ultra-high speed star of France’s national railroad system, SCNF, had pulled into berth 17 at the Marseille-Saint Charles station, simmering down after its nearly four hour trek from Paris.  Out of an economy class car steps Mahibah, a 24-year ...
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Have Passport, Will Travel: The Road to Radicalization Part I

First of a Fictional Series Eric was a bright young boy growing up in North London in the early nineties.  He loved school, especially math, and he of course was mad about football.  His bedroom was plastered with posters of his favorite Arsenal players, as well as with flags and other memorabilia with the official logo ...
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Business Resiliency Checklist

Business resiliency contemplates all hazards across the extended enterprise, including operations, people, goods and intellectual property. To achieve business resiliency throughout an organization, leaders must have the tools to anticipate and monitor threats, and stand ready to respond to disruptions and opportunities in real time. This Business Resiliency Checklist reflects the Key Process Areas to be defined, monitored ...
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Safety in Numbers

When employees travel in large groups, risk managers often lean back and relax. Booking tickets simultaneously, arranging transportation in one go, and providing a single, large pre-trip briefing to all concerned, certainly sounds a lot easier. However, this sense of ease is exactly where danger can lurk. While convenient, large group travel can also instill a false sense of security into both employees and their ...
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Security Planning for Business Aviation Travel – Part 2: Vetting and Arranging for Security

Security Planning for Business Aviation Travel Universal Weather and Aviation covers seven key factors private firms should consider when developing security options for private airports and aircraft. This includes vetting security personnel, parking considerations, and more. Click here to view the article Originally published on Universal Weather & Aviation, Inc.
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The Move to Traveler Centricity

A new generation of Millennial employees (21 to 30 year olds) is poised to become a stronghold in the workforce—and they are bringing their intensive technology habits with them. A proliferation of consumer and business-focused mobile travel apps and websites designed to meet the needs of this new generation is taking its place alongside traditional ...
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Security Planning for Business Aviation Travel – Part 1: Pre-Planning

Business aviation and aircraft operators benefit enormously from ordering security intelligence reports for international destinations they haven’t visited in sixty days or longer. Check out this list of seven key items to know before ordering a report(s), including crucial distinctions among the three types of intelligence reports and tips for the best methods of obtaining ...
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Active Shooting: It Can’t Happen Here

After almost every active shooting in the United States the residents of the victim city invariably say, “It can’t happen here”. But it does and in every state. From Hawaii and Alaska to Maine and Florida, active shooter deaths or workplace violence homicides have plagued communities. No state is immune. No community is unaffected by its brutality, insanity ...
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Wage/Hour Law Compliance for International Business Travelers and Guest Workers

Most every country imposes wage/hour laws that regulate minimum wages and overtime pay as well as (in most countries) holiday pay, vacation pay, rest breaks and total hours worked. Usually these wage/hour laws reach not only locally hired staff but also inbound expatriates whose places of employment have become the host country. But the analysis ...
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Ebola Examined: The History of a Viral Scourge

In 2014, we’ve seen epidemics and pandemics portrayed extensively in film and theorized about in mass media. Despite the low fatality rates associated with real-life outbreaks like modern-day H1N1, pandemics are typically portrayed as diseases with a devastating fatality rate. Just when we’re ready to chalk up the exceptionally high body counts of the plagues in Contagion and 24 Days Later to ...
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