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Contracts With Insurance Brokers: Do’s and Don’ts

Insurance brokers are among the most important suppliers that any company deals with. Yet, often the arrangement between brokers and their clients consists of nothing more than a broker of record letter, or even a verbal authorization to present insurance proposals. As a general rule, a written agreement that addresses the scope of services provided ...
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Don’t Settle Away Your Liability Insurance

When settling a lawsuit against your company, you should do everything you can to keep your insurance company aboard. If the insurance company unreasonably refuses consent to a fair settlement, though, be prepared to fight. Most hotels buy commercial general liability insurance to ensure that if they are sued by a third party, their insurance ...
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Maximizing Coverage for Additional Insureds

Co-Authored by: Diana Shafter Gliedman The hospitality industry relies on insurance coverage to protect against a wide range of risks, from simple slip-and-falls to devastating property damage. Every entity is different, and selecting the most appropriate insurance coverage for a particular property or company is crucial. Yet it is increasingly common for members of the hospitality industry to ...
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Public-Private Partnerships and the Hospitality Industry

Public-private partnerships (P3s) are not a new phenomenon, but they are an expanding and increasingly necessary one. As local governments compete with each other for tourism dollars and a finicky and demanding workforce, the hospitality industry has become a focus of potential P3s as a way to revitalize fatigued districts and compete with the city ...
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Ten Things to Consider when Terminating an Employee

Back to school, back to work, back to serious decisions — now is a good time to recall key considerations before terminating an employee or employees. 1. Consider the Reason: Position Elimination vs. Performance Issues As a fundamental proposition, the employer must be able to articulate the reason for terminating an employee. A good exercise for employers is to summarize ...
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Is Your Employment Practices Liability Insurance Covering the Right Risks?

While no employer is immune from employment-related lawsuits, particularly in a sluggish economy, the hospitality industry faces unique, yet recurring, challenges in terms of employment-based claims – and thus is particularly reliant on employment practices liability insurance (EPLI). Because the hospitality industry is among the leaders in workplace diversity, discrimination claims based on race, gender, ...
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New Jersey Joins NYC, DC, and Oregon in Prohibiting Discrimination Against Unemployed

Joining New York City (see Employment Law Insider Alert, March 2013), Oregon and Washington, D.C., on July 1, 2014, New Jersey passed legislation to prohibit employment discrimination on the basis of a job applicant’s unemployment status. This expands existing New Jersey law — the first law on the subject — that prohibits employers from creating ...
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Captive Insurance: A Growing Trend For Financial Institutions Looking To Enhance Their Risk Management

For over a decade, more and more financial services companies have used captive insurance companies as part of their overall risk management strategy.  In its simplest sense, a captive insurance company is a wholly owned subsidiary of a policyholder’s parent company that underwrites and sells insurance to the parent and its subsidiary companies.  Captive insurance ...
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Insurance Recovery for Business Interruption & Slowdown

What happens when a hotel suffers property damage, whether by natural disaster or man-made accident, and is forced to close some or all of its rooms, amenities or services? It is important to understand how insurance can protect you from the resulting financial loss. In addition to potential recovery for property damage from your property/casualty ...
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