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Your State No Longer Requires Face Coverings in the Workplace – But Should You Continue To Mandate Them?

As the COVID-19 pandemic (mercifully) starts to retreat, many states have begun rolling back face-covering mandates, which often relieve employers of the obligation to require masks for employees and visitors in the workplace. However, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) still recommends their use in most workplaces, and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) ...
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Your Employees Are Vaccinated – Now What?

COVID-19 vaccinations passed the 200-million mark in the United States last [month], which means certain workforces might have the majority of employees fully vaccinated. In recent months, we’ve discussed guidance from the EEOC and California’s DFEH regarding COVID-19 vaccine mandates, vaccine incentives, tracking employee vaccinations, and even vaccine passports. However, the question remains — what measures can employers take once employees are ...
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Is the Fast Pace of Your Service Causing Hidden Wage & Hour Issues to Lurk?

Minimum WageFederal Minimum WageThe federal minimum wage provisions are contained in the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) at a rate of $7.25 per hour effective July 24, 2009. Many states also have minimum wage laws that provide greater protections for employees and employers are required to comply with both standards. Proposed Changes to Minimum WagePresident ...
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5 Steps to De-escalating Mask Refusal

With some states reopening and lifting mask mandates, the burden is falling on hotels, restaurants, and other businesses to enforce mask requirements. By now, there have been a number of well-documented incidents wherein customers and guests react in a belligerent, hostile, or even violent manner after being asked to comply with mask rules. The following ...
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Are Hospitality Employees Facing A Harassment Pandemic?

The coronavirus economy has brought many unforeseen challenges for the hospitality sector, one of which seems to be an increase in harassing conduct directed at service workers by patrons. According to a recent study by the nonprofit organization One Fair Wage, 41% of the 1,675 service workers surveyed reported they are sexually harassed more often now ...
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The Top 5 Ways To Keep Your Employees Engaged (And Safe) Despite COVID Fatigue

When the pandemic first began, most employees were ready to pitch in and do their part to help reduce the spread of COVID-19. They adapted to remote working while attending to their children. Others understood they were deemed “essential workers” and adjusted to the new normal when coming to work, which included temperature checks, symptom ...
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Employees’ Personal Travel Raises COVID-19 Concerns: FAQs For Employers

There is no doubt the summer of 2020 has been memorable, but likely not for overseas jaunts or exotic vacations. Although the CDC recently relaxed its COVID-19 guidance regarding quarantine after travel, it still recognizes: “Travel increases your chance of getting and spreading COVID-19. Staying home is the best way to protect yourself and others ...
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4 Common COVID-19 Misunderstandings That Could Place Your Company At Legal Risk

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has issued constantly changing guidance for employers that many view as complex, confusing, and impractical. In its perplexing web of guidelines, the CDC recommends that your company take several actions to protect workers from contracting COVID-19, like self-isolating sick employees, quarantining exposed employees, screening employees ...
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Legal Perspective on the Health, Safety & Security Responsibilities for US Mobile Workforce

Ebola. Terrorism. H1N1. Civil unrest. SARS. Tsunamis. The Zika Virus. Sound familiar? These are all global issues that have become uncommonly understood terms in the United States. While these are now commonly understood terms, however, understanding how to prevent issues like these from happening is not o commonly understood. In particular, understanding how employers can ...
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How Should Your Business Handle Anti-Mask Guests? A 5-Step Action Plan

As an increasing number of businesses begin to require face coverings in their facilities – whether as a result of a local legal mandate or in the interest of public safety – there has been a corresponding increase in the number of well-publicized reports of customers and guests reacting in a belligerent, hostile, or even ...
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