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The Sharing Economy And Discrimination Concerns: What Can You Do?

Recent studies have reported that race and gender disparities are not uncommon in the sharing economy. For example, it’s been reported that some gig workers were discriminating against customers with names that “sounded Black.” Women and workers of color are more likely to garner negative reviews from customers. And now, a recent study found that people ...
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The London Grenfell Tower Fire Will Provoke Soul-Searching and Hopefully, Reforms

Nearly 16 years after the tragedy of September 11, 2001, the world has seen a proliferation of new skyscrapers, reaching heights heretofore unheard of. In spite of the horrific images of that day that linger in the minds of citizens worldwide, construction of new “superstructures” continues unabated. This month, we take a look at measures ...
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OTA & Travel Distribution Updates – June 23rd, 2017

“OTA & Travel Distribution Updates” is posted weekly by Duff on Hospitality Law, which is run by Greg Duff of Garvey Schubert Barer. Originally begun as an exclusive update to clients, these pieces are now publicly distributed a week behind the exclusive update. Although these posts are a week or two behind the initial update, ...
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President Trump Sets New Standards for Cybersecurity

President Trump has issued a much-anticipated executive order (EO) on cybersecurity. The order requires all federal executive agencies to adhere to a single security framework and is intended to improve the nation’s defenses against pervasive cyberattacks. In light of this order, clients may ask more pointed questions about the security policies and procedures that a ...
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Cybercrime and Data Breach a Rising Threat to all Employers

Over the past six months, we have observed a significant uptick in inquiries about data breach and other cyberthreats from area businesses.  We are asked about pursuing claims for recovery of funds lost due to fraud by hacking, state notification procedures in the event of a data breach affecting employees, and general questions about how ...
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The inside threat: Why employee behavior and opinions impact cyber risk

by Adeola Adele, Patrick Kulesa The human element as a risk factor in data security breaches is as enduring as it is troubling. Compromised laptops and phishing email scams continue to appeal to hackers as avenues to damage corporate servers and the confidential, sensitive information they maintain. Effective risk management strategy must therefore acknowledge and ...
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Startups: Steps to protect your intellectual property

Do you have a handle on protect your intellectual property? Do you know the pitfalls and technical measures that you should take to protect your intellectual property? Startup or not, these tips from Buchalter Nemer provide a valuable checklist to help protect your IP. Explore the nuances of California’s laws around the ownership of intellectual ...
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