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OTA & Travel Distribution Updates – June 23rd, 2017

“OTA & Travel Distribution Updates” is posted weekly by Duff on Hospitality Law, which is run by Greg Duff of Garvey Schubert Barer. Originally begun as an exclusive update to clients, these pieces are now publicly distributed a week behind the exclusive update. Although these posts are a week or two behind the initial update, ...
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Simple Tips to Speed your Way and Enhance your Security

The end of year holiday period is full of cheer, family and friends and at times, travel.  But ask any experienced traveller and you will hear in short order that it is one of the most stressful periods in the year for air travel.  Long lines, surly airline employees and at times inconsiderate fellow passengers ...
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The Zika Virus – How Is It Impacting the Meetings and Travel Industry

Chances are if you’ve been on the internet or watched more than five minutes of TV, you’ve heard of the Zika virus. But how is it “impacting the meetings and travel industry?” With the continuing spread of the zika virus, “more than one-third of respondents had moved or canceled meeting that were scheduled to take ...
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Detecting and Neutralizing Terrorist Plots in Europe Requires Greater Integration of Intel and Police Agencies

Europe suffered yet another horrific terrorist attack last month, this time in Belgium.  ISIS-inspired, radicalized, young European men placed multiple explosive devices in a departure terminal of the Zaventem International Airport in Brussels, causing massive loss of life.  They simultaneuosly blew up a commuter rail car packed with passengers.  The attacks, coordinated among disenfranchised Belgian ...
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Personal Protective Measures for Today’s Global Citizens

Personal protective tips are a necessity for business travelers. From the Post Vietnam War era of kidnapping and ransom scenarios throughout South America to terror attacks against western cultures in Europe and the US, the number and types of threats faced by travelers continues to increase. Unfortunately, what we have yet to see is same ...
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Visiting Cuba: Tourists Lining Up to Visit Cuba, but Many Obstacles Remain

President Barack Obama’s mid-December 2014 announcement that the US would restore diplomatic relations and ease tensions with the Castro government ignited US travelers’ interest in visiting Cuba. In defiance of a continuing ban on tourism, in the first three months of 2015 more than 50,000 US citizens visited the island—a 36 percent increase from the ...
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Seven Key Takeaways from The Americas Lodging Investment Summit 2016 (ALIS)

“A modest tempering of enthusiasm for development, performance, and the near future of the U.S. hotel industry was prevalent among delegates at the 2016 ALIS conference in Los Angeles, which traditionally sets the tone for the present year of lodging news and forecasts. Forecasts call for a continuing rise in hotel RevPAR and NOI; however, ...
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Foreign Trip Travel Insurance and Evacuations

One of my clients recently requested foreign trip travel insurance to Kurdistan through a major insurance company. While discussing the proposal with the underwriter, I asked if Kurdistan was on a no-travel list.  Her response:  “Oh, it should be fine!” Somewhat perplexed by her reaction, I politely informed her that Kurdistan is a province in ...
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Ebola and Terrorism Threaten African Tourism

African tourism was severely impacted by the global recession that started around 2008. In 2013 we started seeing signs of a recovery, with the number of tourists increasing by over 5%, or three million, over 2012. This increase created a positive anticipation that 2014 would be the year in which normality returned to the tourism ...
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