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7 Steps to Upskill Your Workforce for the AI Era

How prepared is your workforce for the ongoing AI revolution? It’s not about replacing humans with robots – it’s about reshaping the roles of your employees. As Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum Klaus Schwab recently said, “In the new world, it’s not the big fish which eats the small fish, it’s the fast ...
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Woman holding chalkboard with list of gender pronouns near color wall

Using Employees’ Requested Pronouns: It’s About Dignity, Respect and Minimizing Legal Risks

As employers strive to create inclusive and compliant workplaces, you should note that using an employee’s requested pronouns not only conveys respect but also helps you stay in compliance with anti-discrimination laws. In fact, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) takes the position that intentionally and repeatedly using the wrong pronouns to refer to LGBTQ+ ...
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5-Step Plan To Address Growing Sexual Harassment Concerns

For several months now, it seems that each new day has brought about a fresh round of reporting on yet another high-profile sexual harassment accusation. What started in October with substantiated allegations against movie producer Harvey Weinstein has blossomed into dozens of claims against Hollywood executives, actors, comedians, politicians, media personalities, and corporate executives. The ...
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“Civil” War At The Workplace: Enforcing Civility Rules In Light Of Federal Roadblocks

Almost everyone would agree they prefer to work in a civil and respectful environment. Because of this, many employers have developed policies and training sessions to promote civil and respectful behavior in the workplace. This seems like a logical move, particularly because there exists an obligation to protect employees from illegal harassment, discrimination, and retaliation. ...
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Why Would Employees Tease About Nooses In 2013?

It was surprising and disappointing to read about a punitive damages award against a North Carolina employer who allegedly tolerated employees referring to an African-American coworker as a “coon” and offering him a hangman’s noose. It’s 2013, not 1960. It’s bad enough when one has to defend against fabricated allegations about racial slurs and name calling, ...
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