Yearly Archives: 2015 ( Page 12 )

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Security Reminders for the Fall From the Institute for Security Executives

Summer is coming to an end, and with that change of season come many things that deserve some security and safety reminders. Primarily, school and work schedules will return to more predictable patterns. Allow a little more time to go to work; school zones and buses will be active again. Watch out for those kids ...
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Hotel Pools: Another Potentially Hazardous Amenity

We wrote about the hazards inherent in hotel balconies last week, but that isn’t the only potentially troublesome amenity that hotel owners and operators must review. Hotel swimming pools seem innocuous enough to most guests and hotel staff, but as a deep body of water, they present a drowning hazard nonetheless. Hotel management should consider ...
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Safety Is Your Business: Duty of Care in the News

The developing world and its emerging economies offer golden opportunities for firms large and small to explore new investment frontiers. This means sending employees, including executives, to foreign countries where conditions may be less than safe. Business travelers may encounter anything from small-time corruption to full-scale riots, and if you’re involved in travel risk management, ...
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Staying Vigilant for Your Guests: Hotel Safety, Scam Awareness, and Hacking Defense

No guest wants to feel insecure about the safety of his/her person, belongings, and bank account when staying at a hotel. No hotel owner wants his/her guests to feel this way, either! But the threat exists, and in our world of rapidly advancing technology, it evolves by the day. Hotel owners must take effective, adaptive ...
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Threats Abroad: Essential Preparations for Security and Risk Personnel

by in Travel. Posted July 30, 2015
On Monday, U.S. diplomatic installations across the Middle East reopened in the wake of a precautionary lockdown; two weeks ago, U.S. intelligence learned of a possible attack via communications between two high-ranking al-Qaeda officials. The embassy in Yemen remains closed, however, with a terror watch still in place for that nation. With the geopolitical situation ...
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Seasonal Influenza Increasing with Potential to Disrupt Health Services

Executive Summary Seasonal influenza has begun to increase in the Northern Hemisphere, where influenza season typically peaks between December and March. However, the current influenza season has increased more rapidly and earlier than usual in North America, while Europe has seen medium-to-low influenza activity so far. Seasonal influenza can be prevented by receiving the annual ...
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Update: Ebola and Ebola-Related Disruptions in West Africa

Since December 2013, when the first Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) case is believed to have occurred in Guinea, the West African countries of Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone have struggled with the region’s first known EVD outbreak. After identifying the outbreak in March 2014, the situation improved during April, when disease activity was contained in ...
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