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Is the Fast Pace of Your Service Causing Hidden Wage & Hour Issues to Lurk?

Minimum WageFederal Minimum WageThe federal minimum wage provisions are contained in the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) at a rate of $7.25 per hour effective July 24, 2009. Many states also have minimum wage laws that provide greater protections for employees and employers are required to comply with both standards. Proposed Changes to Minimum WagePresident ...
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The Top 5 Ways To Keep Your Employees Engaged (And Safe) Despite COVID Fatigue

When the pandemic first began, most employees were ready to pitch in and do their part to help reduce the spread of COVID-19. They adapted to remote working while attending to their children. Others understood they were deemed “essential workers” and adjusted to the new normal when coming to work, which included temperature checks, symptom ...
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Employees’ Personal Travel Raises COVID-19 Concerns: FAQs For Employers

There is no doubt the summer of 2020 has been memorable, but likely not for overseas jaunts or exotic vacations. Although the CDC recently relaxed its COVID-19 guidance regarding quarantine after travel, it still recognizes: “Travel increases your chance of getting and spreading COVID-19. Staying home is the best way to protect yourself and others ...
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Legal Perspective on the Health, Safety & Security Responsibilities for US Mobile Workforce

Ebola. Terrorism. H1N1. Civil unrest. SARS. Tsunamis. The Zika Virus. Sound familiar? These are all global issues that have become uncommonly understood terms in the United States. While these are now commonly understood terms, however, understanding how to prevent issues like these from happening is not o commonly understood. In particular, understanding how employers can ...
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How Should Your Business Handle Anti-Mask Guests? A 5-Step Action Plan

As an increasing number of businesses begin to require face coverings in their facilities – whether as a result of a local legal mandate or in the interest of public safety – there has been a corresponding increase in the number of well-publicized reports of customers and guests reacting in a belligerent, hostile, or even ...
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Businesses That Mandate Masks For Employees And Customers Need To Consider ADA Issues

As more businesses begin to reopen, businesses face many difficult questions about requiring employees and customers to wear protective face coverings? However, businesses should not forget that, despite the onset of COVID-19 and drastic measures taken by local, state, and federal governments, the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) still apply to employers ...
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Face Mask Policy Leads To COVID-19 Lawsuit Against Texas Restaurant

Claiming that her employer prohibited her from wearing a face covering at work despite federal recommendations and local orders that such coverings should be worn by employees, a Texas cook just sued the restaurant that she says took her off the schedule after she objected to the company policy – and scored a victory in ...
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Fisher Phillips State-by-State Restaurant Guide to Reopening

The restaurant industry has been severely impacted by state shutdown orders. As states start reopening businesses, it is vital to know the applicable rules that apply to your location or locations. Whether you operate a single location or are a multi-unit operator, compliance will include assessing business operations, bringing employees back to work, and ensuring ...
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CARES Act Stimulus Will Permit Business Loans To Cover Payroll, Expand Unemployment

Businesses struggling with the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic crisis received good news late last night when the Senate passed an unprecedented piece of legislation aimed at providing a massive stimulus to workplaces and employees alike. The centerpiece of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act would allow small- and medium-sized businesses ...
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8-Point Plan For Restaurant And Hospitality Employers During The COVID-19 Coronavirus Outbreak

Restaurants and Hospitality businesses are on the front lines of dealing with the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak. What should you consider in the coming days, weeks, and months to deal with the COVID-19 coronavirus crisis? Below we have provided both an update on the latest federal and state rules relating to coronavirus and a six-point plan ...
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