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It’s still a buyer’s market, but…

2016 Marketplace Realities Spring Update A complex commercial insurance market is slowing the pricing declines most buyers have enjoyed for several renewal cycles and raising the likelihood that companies will experience some price increases in various commercial lines of insurance, according to Willis Towers Watson’s 2016 Marketplace Realities Spring Update report. The report, a line-by-line ...
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What is a Safe Floor? – Expert Article

Do you provide a safe floor for your guests? What about your employees? Slip, trip, and fall injuries are accidents; however, they could be the result of not providing a safe floor. Although each case is unique, there have been found to be “common factors” in these situations. Anthony Shinsky of Robson Forensic explores what ...
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Startups: Steps to protect your intellectual property

Do you have a handle on protect your intellectual property? Do you know the pitfalls and technical measures that you should take to protect your intellectual property? Startup or not, these tips from Buchalter Nemer provide a valuable checklist to help protect your IP. Explore the nuances of California’s laws around the ownership of intellectual ...
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A Crisis of Confidence

Board survey finds gaps between awareness of crisis threats and preparation to handle them A new survey conducted by Forbes Insights on behalf of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited finds that more than three-quarters (76 percent) of board members believe their companies would respond effectively if a crisis struck tomorrow. But less than half of their companies ...
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It’s Time for Employers to Go to the Next Level In Preventing Workplace Violence

I recently met with an international company which has armed security responders at some facilities, guards at others, and nothing at public establishments among its diverse operations. We talked about protecting lone employees working at customers’ sites or alone at late hours, as well as how to protect employees working in situations where police are ...
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What Risks Will Emerge in 2016?

Our world is advancing at a pace that invites innovation at breakneck speed, encouraging companies to jump into untested waters. Whether it is new, disruptive technologies – such as drones – or just a new way of doing business – such as the sharing economy – the risks are not fully known. New loss-control technologies and regulations ...
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A TED Talk’s Roadmap for Staying Calm When an Active Shooter’s at the Door

An armed gunman just entered your workplace. You’re under stress. What is the first thing you and your management team do? Does someone call the police? Do you run? Fight? Hide? Is there a security guard? What does he or she do? What do your employees do? Do you know the precise, step-by-step actions that ...
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Compliance: Common Sense Approach to Ensure Guest Safety

Most of you will recall Anthony ” Tony ” Marshall and his tireless work to assist the hotel industry in understanding the legal aspects of the business and ensuring guest safety. Due to his lasting impact, we honor Tony annually at The Hospitality Law Conference in Houston by recognizing others with the Anthony G. Marshall award for ...
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