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Are You Data-Ready for Duty of Care?

As companies prepare to restart their corporate travel programs, duty of care is at the forefront of all planning exercises. But as Timothy Manrow put it recently in his Converge blog post, “open for business does not automatically equate to safe for business” — so how can travel and risk management teams ensure the safety ...
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Reopening Closed Buildings: Legionella and Other Health Risks

Reopening a closed building, or portions of a building, after an extended shutdown can be more complicated than just unlocking the doors and turning on the lights.  The unprecedented shutdowns and reduced operations at a wide variety of commercial buildings and structures, ranging from office buildings and retail stores to hotels and restaurants, as a ...
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Businessman Overcoming Difficulties Due To COVID-19

COVID-19 Exposure Control & Response Plan: What Is It and Why Does Every Employer Need One?

As states across the country begin to loosen or lift stay-at-home and shutdown orders, many workplaces that had been idled, have just begun to or will soon resume operations. Many states and localities are setting as a precondition for reopening, a requirement that they develop and implement a written, site-specific COVID-19 Exposure Control and Response ...
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Managing Travel Risk in a Pandemic

There are no modern precedents for the speed and scope with which COVID-19 has disrupted virtually every aspect of human interaction. Within these disruptions are the tectonic shifts impacting how people travel. For the moment, managing travel risk is relatively straightforward, as it’s incredibly difficult to travel internationally. As restrictions are eased and governments unlock ...
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Threat of Contracting COVID-19 on an Airline is Low

The global COVID-19 pandemic has led to fears that infected airline passengers could spread the disease to everybody else on the aircraft. These fears are largely unfounded, and disease transmission on a commercial airliner is relatively rare. Although the risk of contracting COVID-19 on a commercial airliner is low, the COVID-19 pandemic is having an ...
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Forensic Focus on COVID-19 | Insider Trading Risk in the Wake of COVID-19: An Alert to Boards and Audit Committees

Deloitte’s Forensic series around COVID-19 business impacts and steps you can proactively take to help respond to and recover from the outbreak and mitigate potential fraud and financial crime risks. Recent accusations of “stock dumping” raise questions about whether those made privy to nonpublic material information during times of crisis have placed their personal financial ...
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Forensic Focus on COVID-19 | Conducting Investigations Remotely During Times of Uncertainty

This is the second in a Deloitte Forensic series around COVID-19 business impacts and steps you can proactively take to help respond to and recover from the outbreak and mitigate potential fraud and financial crime risks. Companies are facing significant operational, financial, and strategic challenges as a result of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) breakout. Lower ...
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Forensic Focus on COVID-19 | Financial Statement Fraud

This is the first in a Deloitte Forensic series around COVID-19 business impacts and steps you can proactively take to help respond to and recover from the outbreak and mitigate potential fraud and financial crime risks. The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak has quickly advanced on a global scale and responses to it continue to rapidly ...
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red umbrella protecting businessmen from virus bacteria

Insurance Coverage for Losses and Claims Associated with the Coronavirus

I. INTRODUCTION A. The Impact of the Coronavirus and the Resulting Sickness or Disease Since the “coronavirus” was first identified in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China, the World Health Organization (“WHO”) has confirmed that more than 110,000 people have been infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus and more than 3,000 people have died from the resulting COVID-19.(1) ...
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Two people face to face wearing masks

March Update on How Employers Can Respond to COVID-19 with FAQs

Since publishing our previous post last month, there have been a number of significant developments related to the 2019 Novel Coronavirus – now officially called “COVID-19.”  Notably, during the week of February 23, 2020, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (“CDC”) reported community spread of the virus that causes COVID-19 in California, Oregon, and Washington. ...
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