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Is Your Company Car Exposing Sensitive Data To Hackers?

If your business is like most others, you probably store a lot of sensitive data in an electronic format. And if your business takes proper precautions, you probably utilize sophisticated cybersecurity systems to prevent the hacking of such data. You likely also require your employees to password-protect their phones, and perhaps even download security software ...
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Not All Fun & Games: Sweepstakes and Contests in the Hospitality Industry

A promotion is a marketing strategy devised to publicize or advertise a product, organization, or event. Hotels market their venues and services in a variety of ways, often employing creative strategies to help draw traffic to their establishment. When a hotel decides to use a sweepstakes or contest as a way of promoting itself, there ...
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Techniques to Reduce Security Claims; Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design

Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) emphasizes using the structures, spaces, lighting and people around an area to prevent crime and to increase loss prevention. Accomplishing this task is not an easy one; architects attempt to beautify, and engineers attempt to increase efficiency. While all stakeholders must be responsive to meeting the objectives of the ...
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“Hands Off, Pants On” When Guests Sexually Harass Your Hotel Employees

In an April 2016 survey of 400 Chicago-area women working at hotels, nearly 50 percent indicated that they have had a guest answer the door naked, expose themselves, or were otherwise flashed. Worse yet, 1 in 10 said they had been kissed, grabbed, pinched, or groped by a guest. Hotel employees reported incidents in which they were ...
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Russian Hackers and Spanish Spyware Apps: The latest in FIFA 2018 Cybersecurity News

June 13: FIFA fans beware: If you attend the World Cup, and plan to take any form of computer or device with you, you are likely to be hacked. In fact, 72% of cybersecurity professionals anticipate an attack during the World Cup, which takes place in Russia over the next month. William Evanina, Director of ...
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Risk Management – Alcohol and Recreational Marijuana – Meetings & Events

Hosting a meeting or event can open your company up to risk and liability. It is important to carefully examine each event individually, looking for what could go wrong, weaknesses and specific threats or hazards. Although this seems like a negative approach, it is actually a positive: after all, you want to make sure your ...
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Understanding Risk Associated with Vaccine-Preventable Diseases While Traveling

When it comes to public health, one of the easiest ways to avoid becoming susceptible to disease that is widespread in many populations is to ensure that you’re vaccinated against diseases that are preventable. Authorities can mandate certain vaccine programs to keep their citizens healthy; however, vaccine programs face many challenges. People opt out of ...
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Beware of the ICE: Hospitality and Retail Industries Need to Prioritize Immigration Compliance

From the beginning of his Presidency, immigration compliance has been a top priority for President Trump. This has included the removal from the U.S. of individuals that U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) terms “higher priority.” While ICE’s enforcement efforts have included a variety of methods and venues, an expansion into worksite enforcement has also ...
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Two Sides of the Hotel Security Equation

Recently, as we were planning and executing two conferences at two different hotels, we encountered such totally different perspectives on conference attendee safety that we wondered if we were in a reality TV show. Here’s a look at how that script might play out: Hotel safety protocols Scene I Exterior: London, England. Upscale major branded ...
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Hotel and Large Venue Security: An Evolving Threat Environment Requires Innovative Practices

Much has been said and written of late with regard to the need to address hotel and large venue security, like sports stadiums, in the aftermath of the October 1, 2017 mass shooting in the vicinity of the Mandalay Bay hotel in Las Vegas.  But six months after the attack, in which 58 people were ...
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