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Would You Drop to the Floor If Shooting Broke Out In Your Workplace?

With depressing regularity, we receive calls asking for guidance in evaluating and responding to potential workplace violence threats.  The threats are rarely serious but in this era, one can never ignore concerns.  There are no easy formulas to determine if a threat is genuine.  If you review the factors that may indicate that someone is ...
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Listeria – Expert Fact Sheet

In this document, Food Safety Expert, Barry E. Parsons, FMP, CP-FS, CCFS provides introductory information on Listeria, including symptoms, notable outbreaks, and what food service establishments should be doing to prevent outbreaks. PREVALENCE  Approximately 1,600 illnesses and 260 deaths are attributed to listeriosis, from Listeria Monocytogenes (LM), in the United States each year. A large ...
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Duty of Care – An Essential Part of Your Business Travel Program

Business travel expert Adam Knights explains why duty of care and risk management is relevant to all organisations. Looking after your travelers If your employees have to travel for business of any kind, it’s up to you to ensure their safety as far as possible and communicate to them what to do in the event ...
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Gun Violence in America

Bottom Line Up Front: While terrorism dominates U.S. political and foreign policy concerns, the threat posed by domestic gun violence—from a statistical standpoint—far outweighs the threat of terrorism within the United States With over 30,000 gun-related deaths a year (less than half of which are murders, and the rest suicides and accidental deaths), the United ...
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Active Shooter Response Planning

With every news flash of a workplace active shooter incident, now almost monthly, it becomes increasingly evident that organizations/businesses/schools need an Active Shooter Response Plan. Furthermore, this is not a one size fits all challenge. Granted, the plan from one organization or institution to another may have some common reaction guidelines. Most of the active ...
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What the Foiled Train Attack Revealed

Bottom Line Up Front:  The foiled attack on a Amsterdam-Paris high-speed train on August 21 revealed the vulnerability of non-aviation mass transit The incident also revealed the thin line between mass murder and minor injuries that are a hallmark of poorly planned lone wolf attacks; bystanders have very short windows in which intervention is possible ...
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Recent Events Highlight Legionella Risks for Commercial Real Estate, Hospitality, and Health Care Industries

Co-authored by Aaron Mapes Legionnaires Disease has grabbed headlines in recent weeks, with high profile outbreaks that have resulted in sicknesses and deaths, along with calls for stricter regulation of water systems, particularly HVAC cooling towers. In New York City this summer, an outbreak traced to a cooling tower at a Bronx hotel resulted in ...
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The Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act’s Impact

FDA’s steadfast position against formally addressing “Natural” claims on food products may soon be forced to change if the Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act, which the House of Representatives passed on July 23, 2015, is enacted. The Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act (“SAFLA”) serves largely to prohibit state and local governments from enacting ...
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