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Is Your Hotel Security Staff Exposing You to Liability?

BY DAVID M. SAMUELS, ALICIA O’BRIEN Are you a hotel owner and/or operator who employs a private security staff? If so, do not let administrative inattention threaten your business. Take a few key steps to reduce your potential liability. California regulations effective since 2011 require that all hoteliers employing their own security guards must be ...
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Firearms Law Issues in the Hospitality Industry

I. INTRODUCTION The focus of this paper is specifically on the federal and statewide gun regulations which affect the hospitality industry. Citizens and entities are subject to the authority of both the state and federal governments, and therefore subject to all federal and state laws. A. Federal Law. The right to keep and bear arms is protected by the Second Amendment ...
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Hotels and Restaurants; Prime Real Estate for Slip and Fall Accidents

By David B. Willis, MemberEckert Seamans Cherin & Mellott, LLC – Boston Slip and falls are the number one cause of accidents in hotels, restaurants and public buildings according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Injuries from a seemingly incidental fall here or trip there are estimated to cost some $70 billion annually according to ...
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Technology, Media and Telecommunications Risk Index 2016

50 risks, split into five megatrends, ranked by 350 senior executives The TMT Risk Index analyses the severity of impact and ease of management of the top 50 risks facing the TMT industry. Grouped into five megatrends, we examine how these are impacting the sector currently and how this will change in the future. The ...
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Beneath the Surface of a Cyberattack

Do leaders accurately gauge the impact a cyberattack can have on their organization? Do common assumptions about the costs and recovery process associated with data breaches paint a clear picture? This paper considers—in financial terms—the broad and extended business impact of cyberattacks, including both direct and intangible costs. Assumptions can be misleadingCommon perceptions about the ...
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Major Changes In Attitudes and Approaches to Workplace Violence Prevention

We just completed the second of two Fisher Phillips webinars including panelists and contributors who were active and former Department of Homeland Security, Secret Service, and other law enforcement professionals.  We solicited questions and concerns from employers and used the panel discussions and preparation to develop more effective practices to prevent and respond to workplace ...
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It’s still a buyer’s market, but…

2016 Marketplace Realities Spring Update A complex commercial insurance market is slowing the pricing declines most buyers have enjoyed for several renewal cycles and raising the likelihood that companies will experience some price increases in various commercial lines of insurance, according to Willis Towers Watson’s 2016 Marketplace Realities Spring Update report. The report, a line-by-line ...
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What Risks Will Emerge in 2016?

Our world is advancing at a pace that invites innovation at breakneck speed, encouraging companies to jump into untested waters. Whether it is new, disruptive technologies – such as drones – or just a new way of doing business – such as the sharing economy – the risks are not fully known. New loss-control technologies and regulations ...
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What Counsel Must Do to Maximize Insurance Coverage

Insurance policies are complex contracts that require counsel’s oversight. Job 1 is to demarcate the broker’s role. Insurance policies are complex contracts, often riddled with pitfalls for the policyholder. The pursuit of a claim in the wake of a loss is equally fraught. Yet all too many companies entrust their assets and their very survival ...
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Contracts With Insurance Brokers: Do’s and Don’ts

Insurance brokers are among the most important suppliers that any company deals with. Yet, often the arrangement between brokers and their clients consists of nothing more than a broker of record letter, or even a verbal authorization to present insurance proposals. As a general rule, a written agreement that addresses the scope of services provided ...
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