Policies & Procedures

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Black female housekeeper replenishing toiletries in guest rooms in a hotel

Safety & Security: Best Practices for Housekeepers in Hotels

This four-part video series from HospitalityLawyer.com® focuses on essential housekeeping safety and security practices in the hotel industry. Moderated by Stephen Barth, with expert insights from Brad Bonnell, Vince Vittatoe, and Salvatore Caccavale, the series provides housekeepers with critical knowledge and actionable steps to enhance hotel safety. This series equips management and housekeepers with the ...
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Businessman Overcoming Difficulties Due To COVID-19

COVID-19 Exposure Control & Response Plan: What Is It and Why Does Every Employer Need One?

As states across the country begin to loosen or lift stay-at-home and shutdown orders, many workplaces that had been idled, have just begun to or will soon resume operations. Many states and localities are setting as a precondition for reopening, a requirement that they develop and implement a written, site-specific COVID-19 Exposure Control and Response ...
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Face Mask Policy Leads To COVID-19 Lawsuit Against Texas Restaurant

Claiming that her employer prohibited her from wearing a face covering at work despite federal recommendations and local orders that such coverings should be worn by employees, a Texas cook just sued the restaurant that she says took her off the schedule after she objected to the company policy – and scored a victory in ...
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Two people face to face wearing masks

March Update on How Employers Can Respond to COVID-19 with FAQs

Since publishing our previous post last month, there have been a number of significant developments related to the 2019 Novel Coronavirus – now officially called “COVID-19.”  Notably, during the week of February 23, 2020, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (“CDC”) reported community spread of the virus that causes COVID-19 in California, Oregon, and Washington. ...
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If The Shoe Fits: How Footwear Policy May Lead To Wage And Hour Violations

Hotel and restaurant employers commonly require employees to wear uniforms, some as simple as a shirt with company logo, others requiring a more complete look: jacket or blouse and pants or skirt, or dress. Some employers, however, fail to consider the consequences of imposing the cost of the uniform on an employee. Under the federal ...
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5-Step Plan To Address Growing Sexual Harassment Concerns

For several months now, it seems that each new day has brought about a fresh round of reporting on yet another high-profile sexual harassment accusation. What started in October with substantiated allegations against movie producer Harvey Weinstein has blossomed into dozens of claims against Hollywood executives, actors, comedians, politicians, media personalities, and corporate executives. The ...
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Steps Employers Can Take to Prevent and Respond to Claims of Sexual Harassment

High-profile instances of inappropriate sexual behavior and sexual harassment in the workplace continue to grab headlines. While media coverage has focused on cases from the media, entertainment and political arenas, every employer should have heightened awareness of sexual harassment in the workplace at this time, regardless of industry. Of course, the media coverage of the ...
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What American Companies Need to Know about the EU’s New General Data Protection Regulation

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a new data privacy and security law in Europe that will go into force on May 25, 2018. Every organization that does business with EU customers, regardless of the home base of the organization, and regardless of the size of the organization, must come into compliance or risks ...
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Accommodating Pregnancy Under State and Federal Law

Laws requiring both public and private employers to accommodate their pregnant employees have become a trend over the past several years.  Indeed, this past July, Massachusetts became the 22ndstate, along with the District of Columbia, to pass a law that requires an employer to engage in the interactive process and provide an accommodation to a pregnant ...
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It’s time to wake up and figure out how GDPR affects you!

You’ve heard about the GDPR, right? As I’ve spoken with people (security people and “civilians”), I’ve found many who had no idea that the GDPR was a thing.  I know Americans tend to have a very US-centric view of the world, but the GDPR is critical for any business with a presence, customers, or clients in ...
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