Safety and Security ( Page 6 )

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Cybercrime and Data Breach a Rising Threat to all Employers

Over the past six months, we have observed a significant uptick in inquiries about data breach and other cyberthreats from area businesses.  We are asked about pursuing claims for recovery of funds lost due to fraud by hacking, state notification procedures in the event of a data breach affecting employees, and general questions about how ...
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TSA Under Pressure from Congress – Again

TSA Under Pressure Robert Freeman of Cozen O’Connor reports on the pressure felt by the TSA from Congress. The TSA is facing distrust from a number of “committee members from” the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform regarding their operations. The actions in question include “systematcially classifiying potentially embarassing documents as (SSI) to cover ...
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The “Active Shooter” or Mass Shooter Subject Profile

Another day, another mass shooting in the US: We can blame it on a number of factors, from the proliferation of guns in the urban and suburban environments to socialization factors or on the effect of violent videos, movies and even game “apps” for smart phones. A number of explanations of the phenomenon have been ...
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Hackers Use New Tactic at Austrian Hotel: Locking the Doors

Hackers Use New Tactic at Austrian Hotel: Locking Doors The ransom demand arrived one recent morning by email, after about a dozen guests were locked out of their rooms at the lakeside Alpine hotel in Austria. The electronic key system at the picturesque Romantik Seehotel Jaegerwirt had been infiltrated, and the hotel was locked out ...
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Unsung Heroes of Hospitality – Security Directors

We often take the role of our security directors for granted. While most of us in hospitality focus our efforts on finding ways to enhance our guests’ comfort (and make more revenues!), we can only do so in an environment where both safety and security are assured. After all, this is a department where reports ...
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Simple Tips to Speed your Way and Enhance your Security

The end of year holiday period is full of cheer, family and friends and at times, travel.  But ask any experienced traveller and you will hear in short order that it is one of the most stressful periods in the year for air travel.  Long lines, surly airline employees and at times inconsiderate fellow passengers ...
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Fifteen Years On, Where Do We Stand?

With the fifteenth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks commemorated a few days ago, we thought it would be appropriate to take the pulse of where we were in the immediate aftermath of those horrible events and where we are now. Are Americans safer? Is the world in general safer? Has the threat of terror attacks ...
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How Much Crisis Planning is Enough?

One of the most important management competencies is planning. Crisis planning is the preparation of documented action steps designed to improve the organization’s response toward mitigating a disruption’s impact on assets and resources. Long ago, I was given some sage advice prior to briefing proposed Crisis Planning improvements to the executive team. My boss said, ...
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Firearms Law Issues in the Hospitality Industry

I. INTRODUCTION The focus of this paper is specifically on the federal and statewide gun regulations which affect the hospitality industry. Citizens and entities are subject to the authority of both the state and federal governments, and therefore subject to all federal and state laws. A. Federal Law. The right to keep and bear arms is protected by the Second Amendment ...
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