Yearly Archives: 2013 ( Page 4 )

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Strike on Syrian Facilities Could Result in Radiation Release

In a statement on Wednesday, Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich voiced concerns that a U.S. attack on Syria’s nuclear facilities may result in a radioactive event that would pose a health risk to the region. On behalf of the Russian government, he recommended that the U.N. prepare a risk analysis to address this possibility. ...
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Dogs Have Owners, Hotels Have Staff

In traffic yesterday, I saw a bumper sticker that read “Dogs have owners, cats have staff.” Given the sticker was surrounded by other feline-themed paraphernalia, I surmised that the driver was boasting about her personal capacity to successfully coexist with Tigger, Boots, or whatever the name she gave to her cat, regardless if the cat ...
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Coughing in the Cabin: Commercial Flights, Illness, and Passengers Who Save the Day

Even if we have a seat in first class, most of us don’t relish the idea of taking a commercial flight. Sitting in a cramped seat in a confined space for several hours straight simply makes most people uncomfortable. However, flying takes its toll on some more than others; passengers become light-headed, nauseous, and can ...
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Ban Smoking and Lighters in Planes and Airports: Fire and Jet Fuel? Everyone Knows Better

I strongly encourage a ban on incendiary devices aboard planes, whether a person carries it in his/her clothing or stores it in a carry-on bag. We should also ban smoking on airport premises, including parking facilities. No one has a good reason to have a match or lighter on a plane, and yet most people ...
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Social Media and Trade Secrets

Social Media and Trade Secrets The various issues created by Facebook, LinkedIn, and other similar platforms lead to constant requests for input by management-side employment lawyers. Likewise, employers – especially those in industries with a heavy emphasis on relationships for research and development – are also focused on protection of their trade secrets and other ...
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Insurance Coverage for Hotels Facing Fungi and Bacteria Claims

One nightmare scenario faced by hotel and resort executives is dealing with the former guest who claims that he or she contracted a fungal or bacterial illness at their establishment. True or not, the last thing that a hotel or resort wants associated with its name is “fungus” or “bacteria.” Yet with the increasingly widespread usage of social media and anonymous access ...
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3 Reasons Why the Hospitality Industry Should Address Domestic Violence

As a threat assessment and management consultant, I often face the challenge of convincing employers to heed potential workforce “time bombs”, including those they can’t hear ticking just yet. Sometimes new clients seek me out because a “personnel land mine” just exploded inside their organization, seemingly without warning. The danger I’m referring to comes from ...
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Securing Your Next Big Meeting or Conference: 5 Tips on Event & Site Security

1428Executive Summary: Event Security and Site Protection Conferences, meetings, and tradeshows can be a great way for organizations to showcase themselves to the public, discuss important issues, and boost employee morale. However, high profile events can present operational and reputational risks if they are not conducted effectively. Security issues, in particular, can hamper operations and ...
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Coup in Egypt: Brief Analysis and Travel Warning

After ideological clashes between the Egyptian populace and President Mohammed Morsi, the military staged a coup on July 3rd and deposed Morsi. The new authorities have also targeted many leaders within the Muslim Brotherhood, imprisoning several and conducting surveillance on others. The military has appointed a judge as Egypt’s interim leader, and promised the people ...
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