Articles Posted by Howard Mavity

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Major Changes In Attitudes and Approaches to Workplace Violence Prevention

We just completed the second of two Fisher Phillips webinars including panelists and contributors who were active and former Department of Homeland Security, Secret Service, and other law enforcement professionals.  We solicited questions and concerns from employers and used the panel discussions and preparation to develop more effective practices to prevent and respond to workplace ...
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It’s Time for Employers to Go to the Next Level In Preventing Workplace Violence

I recently met with an international company which has armed security responders at some facilities, guards at others, and nothing at public establishments among its diverse operations. We talked about protecting lone employees working at customers’ sites or alone at late hours, as well as how to protect employees working in situations where police are ...
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Would You Drop to the Floor If Shooting Broke Out In Your Workplace?

With depressing regularity, we receive calls asking for guidance in evaluating and responding to potential workplace violence threats.  The threats are rarely serious but in this era, one can never ignore concerns.  There are no easy formulas to determine if a threat is genuine.  If you review the factors that may indicate that someone is ...
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Why Would Employees Tease About Nooses In 2013?

It was surprising and disappointing to read about a punitive damages award against a North Carolina employer who allegedly tolerated employees referring to an African-American coworker as a “coon” and offering him a hangman’s noose. It’s 2013, not 1960. It’s bad enough when one has to defend against fabricated allegations about racial slurs and name calling, ...
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