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It’s Time for Employers to Go to the Next Level In Preventing Workplace Violence

I recently met with an international company which has armed security responders at some facilities, guards at others, and nothing at public establishments among its diverse operations. We talked about protecting lone employees working at customers’ sites or alone at late hours, as well as how to protect employees working in situations where police are ...
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Rules for Workplace Social Media Policies That Work

Authors: Kalley Aman and Ruth Seroussi practice labor and employment law and litigation with Buchalter in Los Angeles. EMPLOYEES MAY TURN TO PERSONAL SOCIAL MEDIA accounts or private chat rooms to vent about the workplace without realizing that these communications may be read by their employers. The law recognizes that employers have legitimate interests in disciplining ...
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Zika Virus Increases Concerns About Employee Safety

By JULIE CRESWELL and DAVID SEGAL Early in her pregnancy, Whitney Peak traveled to Rio de Janeiro for her job with Leblon Cachaça, a liquor company based in Brazil. That was in October, before much was known about Zika, a mosquito-borne virus that has spread through South America and that scientists say may be linked ...
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Why Employee Engagement Is Vital for Success

  By Michele Sarkisian Given that hospitality employs one in 11 people in the United States, the topic of employee engagement is certainly relevant to the industry. Travel choices, whether business or leisure, are often discretionary and subjective. If the realized experience does not match or beat expectations, the customer may choose differently in the ...
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A TED Talk’s Roadmap for Staying Calm When an Active Shooter’s at the Door

An armed gunman just entered your workplace. You’re under stress. What is the first thing you and your management team do? Does someone call the police? Do you run? Fight? Hide? Is there a security guard? What does he or she do? What do your employees do? Do you know the precise, step-by-step actions that ...
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OSHA’s Recordkeeping Posting Required on February 1: Are You Ready?

OSHA’s recordkeeping standard requires all non-exempt employers to post their 300A Summaries for each establishment for three (3) months starting February 1. OSHA reviewed its standard on occupational injury and illness recordkeeping and reporting requirement and the revisions became effective on January 1, 2015. The revised rule on recordkeeping dramatically increased employers’ reporting requirements. In ...
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Workplace Violence – How to Deal with a Disgruntled Ex-Employee

by Joseph Schollaert You are an executive working intently in your office when your assistant calls and informs you that a disgruntled ex-employee has shown up at the facility with a weapon and is threatening employees.  Will you know what to do, or better yet, what not to do? Workplace violence can be defined as ...
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Attention California Employers: New Employment Laws Affecting Your Business Take Effect on January 1, 2016

by Paul L. Bressan and Louise Truong In past years the Governor of California has enacted new laws related to employment that place additional burdens on employers, while granting additional rights to employees. This year is no exception. Although there is some minimal relief to employers, Governor Brown has enacted a number of employee-friendly laws, ...
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