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Common Accident Causes are Frequently Linked to Poor Employee Discipline

Did you know that over 80 out of every 100 accidents are the fault of the person involved in the incident? It’s true. Unsafe acts cause four times as many accidents as unsafe conditions. Accidents occur for many reasons.  In  many  situations,  people  tend  to  look  for  “things”  or  reasons  to  blame  when  an accident ...
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State of the Unions – New Tactics Target Unorganized Workers

If you’ve been following the news, you probably realize that it has been a busy year for organized labor. The percentage of unionized workers in the private sector has fallen to historic lows, leaving unions with fewer dues-paying members, and motivating them to adopt new tactics to stem the decline. Exploiting a more favorable environment created by recent ...
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International Dismissal Toolkit: Individual Employment Terminations

International Dismissal Toolkit: Individual Employment Terminations Firing an employee in the United States can be a challenge. Group firings — reductions-in-force — can be an even bigger challenge. And from the point of view of a multinational headquartered in the United States, overseas individual dismissals and “collective redundancies” can be an intractable challenge. We often ...
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What Hotel Leadership Should Know About the Emerging Trend of Assault and Battery Claims

Ask nearly any leader in the hotel industry and/or their HR manager for the definition of a “hostile work environment,” and they will have a pretty solid answer. That’s because many of them have had to handle employee claims for illegal harassment. Further, these leaders, for the most part, have dealt with such employee issues ...
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That Contractor May Be Your Employee

Employers tempted to outsource work to independent contractors in order to curb payroll costs should carefully consider the legal implications before doing so. Such arrangements are likely to violate the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), as well as federal tax and state laws. Employers who violate the FLSA face liability for payment of back wages ...
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Increases to Minimum Wage by West Coast States Are On the Up and Up

As fast food workers across the country stage walkouts in a push for a $15 hourly wage and the Obama administration renews its call to boost the federal minimum wage, states on the left coast have already embraced employee-friendly increases. Oregon, the state with the second-highest minimum wage in the country, announced last week that ...
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How to Serve Alcohol at a Company Party Without Getting Sued

With the holidays right around the corner, many businesses will host festive company outings and events for their employees, including parties at the office—and often these celebrations include alcohol. Employers need to understand the legal parameters of having alcohol in the workplace in order to establish a safe, responsible and enjoyable work environment for their ...
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