Insurance & Loss Prevention ( Page 9 )

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Ebola and Terrorism Threaten African Tourism

African tourism was severely impacted by the global recession that started around 2008. In 2013 we started seeing signs of a recovery, with the number of tourists increasing by over 5%, or three million, over 2012. This increase created a positive anticipation that 2014 would be the year in which normality returned to the tourism ...
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Think Your Workers’ Compensation Covers Everything? Think Again!

You might think your workers’ compensation covers all work-related injuries and illnesses. This could prove a costly mistake. In most cases, workers’ compensation will cover work-related injuries and illnesses. But in certain special circumstances—which might apply to your company—the basic workers’ compensation policy will not provide coverage. This could leave your company on the hook for a costly workers’ compensation claim. Out-of-State Coverage On any work ...
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Don’t Settle Away Your Liability Insurance

When settling a lawsuit against your company, you should do everything you can to keep your insurance company aboard. If the insurance company unreasonably refuses consent to a fair settlement, though, be prepared to fight. Most hotels buy commercial general liability insurance to ensure that if they are sued by a third party, their insurance ...
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Maximizing Coverage for Additional Insureds

Co-Authored by: Diana Shafter Gliedman The hospitality industry relies on insurance coverage to protect against a wide range of risks, from simple slip-and-falls to devastating property damage. Every entity is different, and selecting the most appropriate insurance coverage for a particular property or company is crucial. Yet it is increasingly common for members of the hospitality industry to ...
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Legally Speaking: Avoiding Bath Fall Liability

Some issues in hotel law come and go. Falls in slippery bathtubs have a sticking quality. Liability in this type of lawsuit can be avoided but it takes some attention to those porcelain bastions of cleanliness. In the typical case a guest is showering, loses his balance and falls. Because floors and walls surrounding showers are ...
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N.fowleri Infections Update

Naegleria fowleri is an amoeba common to warm bodies of fresh water, including lakes and unchlorinated or poorly chlorinated swimming pools. This amoeba can infect the human nervous system and induce a lethal form of encephalitis when a victim insufflates contaminated water deep into the nasal cavities; while infection is relatively rare, only one percent ...
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Security Reminders for the Fall From the Institute for Security Executives

Summer is coming to an end, and with that change of season come many things that deserve some security and safety reminders. Primarily, school and work schedules will return to more predictable patterns. Allow a little more time to go to work; school zones and buses will be active again. Watch out for those kids ...
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Hotel Pools: Another Potentially Hazardous Amenity

We wrote about the hazards inherent in hotel balconies last week, but that isn’t the only potentially troublesome amenity that hotel owners and operators must review. Hotel swimming pools seem innocuous enough to most guests and hotel staff, but as a deep body of water, they present a drowning hazard nonetheless. Hotel management should consider ...
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Staying Vigilant for Your Guests: Hotel Safety, Scam Awareness, and Hacking Defense

No guest wants to feel insecure about the safety of his/her person, belongings, and bank account when staying at a hotel. No hotel owner wants his/her guests to feel this way, either! But the threat exists, and in our world of rapidly advancing technology, it evolves by the day. Hotel owners must take effective, adaptive ...
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