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An Employer’s Guide to Workplace Protections for Abortion-Related Decisions

Employers likely have questions about abortion-related employment protections and healthcare benefits after [June 24th’s] SCOTUS controversial decision that overturned Roe v. Wade. Given the ruling, people in states with strict abortion limitations may end up traveling to other states to receive abortion-related care. Can employees take job-protected leave to obtain such services? What other rights might ...
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Shame & Game That May Be Unsettling Cases in the Hospitality Space

What do hospitality establishments face when settlement is attempted? This paper focuses on present day sins that lead to unsettlement based on the last two years in a pandemic and the games that parties seem to play to continue this trend. A. Seven deadly trends sins in hospitality since 2020 I interviewed coworkers, mediators and ...
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Website Litigation Under the ADA:
Protect Your Property from Lawsuits

Despite the pandemic, lawsuits filed across the country against hotels and resorts alleging their websites violate the Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”) have not slowed down. These lawsuits continue to allege two different types of ADA violations, each of which are addressed below: The first type of website accessibility case deals with whether a hotel ...
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Marijuana Use at Hotels by Guests or Employees – No Easy Answers

With the ever-changing landscape of marijuana laws, whether hotels should allow guests or employees to use marijuana may not be entirely clear. Currently, there are eighteen states plus the District of Columbia and Guam that allow recreational use of marijuana and nineteen other states that allow medicinal use. However, marijuana is still technically illegal under ...
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Extended Stay Issues

Hosted by Stephen Barth, this recording presentation features a discussion with Greg Duff, Foster Garvey and Justin Bragiel, Texas Hotel & Lodging Association, about common issues faced by the extended stay lodging industry. You can view the recorded session via our YouTube channel below, and we hope you will join us live for our next ...
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What Hospitality Operators Need to Know About Planned Workplace Vaccine Mandates

Many businesses were already implementing vaccine mandates, especially with the onset of the Delta Variant, and now the trend will be further accelerated with President Biden announcing plans to mandate that all employers with more than 100 workers require employees to be vaccinated or test for the virus weekly earlier this month. The following video ...
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5-Step Plan for Employers After President Biden Announces Workplace Vaccine Mandates

In arguably the most far-reaching move of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Biden administration announced yesterday that federal workplace safety officials will soon issue a rule that will require all employers with 100 or more employees to either ensure their workers are vaccinated or require unvaccinated employees to produce a weekly negative test result before coming ...
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Active Listening for Lawyers

For our purposes, active listening for lawyers involves more than simply being able to accurately report back what another person in a conversation has said, although it certainly includes that. Active listening also involves communication while still primarily receiving information, through body language, encouragement/demonstrated interest, appropriate questions and other forms of engagement. Active listening offers ...
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