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New Jersey Joins NYC, DC, and Oregon in Prohibiting Discrimination Against Unemployed

Joining New York City (see Employment Law Insider Alert, March 2013), Oregon and Washington, D.C., on July 1, 2014, New Jersey passed legislation to prohibit employment discrimination on the basis of a job applicant’s unemployment status. This expands existing New Jersey law — the first law on the subject — that prohibits employers from creating ...
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Global Employee Handbooks

Most every major American employer has issued an employee handbook explaining to its US staff how its US workplace works. It has been said that “[a] well written, lawful [US domestic] employee handbook has no downsides; it provides…all the flexibility necessary to address innumerable possibilities when it comes to employee actions and inactions.” (J.B. Sandburg, “Creating ...
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Considerations Before Entering into an Equity in Exchange For Professional Services Agreement: Part 1

America has a rich history of entrepreneurs who have changed the course of history with an invention or new business enterprise.  This history continues, as a modern chapter is being written in the new millennium as the information technology boom has created a “start up” hysteria. More and more individuals have taken up the dream ...
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Mutual Legal Assistance Treaties – Understanding the Basics of Joint US/Foreign Cooperation in Criminal Justice Matters

Recently, much discussion has occurred in the US press and in other circles regarding the recent conviction-upon Italian government appeal-of Amanda Knox in the murder of her roommate, Meredith Kercher.  Will the US extradite her?  Is she subject to Italian law?  Is this double jeopardy, since she was acquitted once already (after a successful appeal post-conviction ...
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What Hotel Leadership Should Know About the Emerging Trend of Assault and Battery Claims

Ask nearly any leader in the hotel industry and/or their HR manager for the definition of a “hostile work environment,” and they will have a pretty solid answer. That’s because many of them have had to handle employee claims for illegal harassment. Further, these leaders, for the most part, have dealt with such employee issues ...
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