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South Africa’s Stringent New Immigration Regulations

by in Travel. Posted May 14, 2015
South Africa, a developed nation with a net migration rate of -6.27 migrants per 1,000 people, has enacted a series of stringent new immigration regulations that went into effect on May 26. These regulations address traveling with children, yellow fever laws, and passport validity; new laws specifically concerning children will not go into effect until October 1, 2014. Children ...
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4 Tips for Surviving an Active Shooter

You’re working at your job or out in public, doing what you normally do and not expecting anything particularly exciting to happen. Then you hear a series of loud, muffled pops, not too close, but not very far away. Then you hear screams, faint and distant but getting louder. Then you hear another pop, only ...
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Mobile Employees and Situational Awareness

In his book Principles of Personal Defense, former U.S. Marine Jeff Cooper outlines a color-coded system that describes certain defensive states of mind. These states vary from being completely unaware of surroundings and unprepared for an attack to full-fledged “fight or flight” mode.  Many law enforcement officers in the U.S. use this system as a ...
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Celebrating the Top Crisis Management Teams from the 2014 Global Congress on Travel Risk Management

Click here to view photo gallery We applaud the determination and innovative thinking of our corporate travel risk teams during the Immersive Crisis Management Training (ICMT) segment of the 2014 Global Congress on Travel Risk Management.  They hit the ground running and successfully took on two devastating crises, the Tsunami on Jaeson Island and the ...
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3 Ways a Government Shutdown Would Affect Travel and Hospitality

by in Travel. Posted May 14, 2015
On Monday, September 30, the U.S. House of Representatives will find itself facing a Congressional deadline; either the House approves the Senate-ratified version of a government spending bill by midnight, or the U.S. government shuts down due to lack of funding authorization. This event would trigger a number of nationwide effects, including the furlough of ...
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Google Flights and Google Hotels: Friend or Foe to Airlines and Hoteliers?

The latest update to the Google Flights price comparison tool, as well as the introduction of Google Hotels, has the world buzzing, with many praising the user experience. The flexibility of Google Flights is unprecedented in terms of providing the cheapest and best flight routes available to a specific or general destination. It includes filters ...
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Yikes! Ransomware Could Take Over Your Hard Drive

Once data is held for ransom, there’s no guaranteed way to reclaim it — not even payment. Ransomware’s victims typically are those with the least protection. To avoid becoming a target, install strong security tools on your computer and mobile devices, back up data to a reliable cloud service, keep passwords in a secure location, ...
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Evolution vs. Revolution

If you’re looking to change TMCs, be sure to weigh the costs and explore all the options. A strong relationship with the corporate travel management company is essential to the success of most travel programs. But like all relationships, it must be re-examined from time to time to ensure that it is working to its fullest potential. If it’s not, a travel program ...
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Overseas Business Travel Liability and the Duty of Care in Times of Ebola

As of late 2014, the United States faced no Ebola pandemic whatsoever. The odds of catching Ebola in an American workplace remained statistically zero. Only a handful of Ebola cases had made their way to the United States, and a few hospitals aside, every American workplace remained Ebola-free. Only two employees had caught Ebola on an American job site—both ...
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