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Two Sides of the Hotel Security Equation

Recently, as we were planning and executing two conferences at two different hotels, we encountered such totally different perspectives on conference attendee safety that we wondered if we were in a reality TV show. Here’s a look at how that script might play out: Hotel safety protocols Scene I Exterior: London, England. Upscale major branded ...
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Employee Training is Key to GDPR Compliance

The EU’s General Data Protective Regulation (“GDPR”) goes into effect on May 25, 2018. It is a mammoth regulation and perhaps the most significant European data protection legislation in more than 20 years. In fact, the European Commission just released a new website to help stakeholders, including businesses, with implementation. With its global reach, applying to any ...
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5 Things Businesses Need to Do If They Think They’re About to Be Sued

How prepared are you to handle being sued?  The shock of a lawsuit often catches businesses off guard, leaving them vulnerable to complications that could have been easily avoided.  Having a plan and acting swiftly can go a long way in terms of limiting your exposure, minimizing unnecessary case hiccups and maintaining a healthy morale ...
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Sex Trafficking Continues to Raise Significant Concerns for the Hospitality Industry

A variety of lawsuits and legislative efforts across the U.S. are reinforcing that the hospitality industry plays a crucial role combating human trafficking in hotels, motels, and other facilities. They also demonstrate that anti-trafficking compliance and training can help not just battle the problem at the ground-level, but also reduce potential civil liability for owners/operators ...
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Avoiding The Blame Game: How To Limit Your Liability To Other Companies’ Employees

Numerous individuals who work in retail stores are actually employed by a company other than the retailer itself. These include vendor employees stocking product, sampling employees who offer customers tasty treats, inventory company employees, cleaning crews, security guards, and delivery personnel. Whether you could be liable as a retailer for the conduct of one of ...
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Surf’s Up! Don’t Become The Next Victim Of A Surfing Suit

The past few years have seen a steep increase in litigation brought against hospitality businesses under Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). These suits often contend that certain aspects of a building, bathroom, or parking lot do not comply with the ADA’s detailed standards and regulations. With the goal of creating a ...
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Steps Employers Can Take to Prevent and Respond to Claims of Sexual Harassment

High-profile instances of inappropriate sexual behavior and sexual harassment in the workplace continue to grab headlines. While media coverage has focused on cases from the media, entertainment and political arenas, every employer should have heightened awareness of sexual harassment in the workplace at this time, regardless of industry. Of course, the media coverage of the ...
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Defending Trade Secrets In The Gig Economy

Waking up to news of another major data breach seems to have become a daily routine. On the front pages and cable news, we hear about hackers, rogue governments, and shadowy figures involved with these data breaches. But too often we overlook the fact that most data breaches are not the stuff of Tom Clancy ...
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Legal Perspective on the Health, Safety & Security Responsibilities for US Mobile Workforce

Fisher & Phillips LLP attorneys are not only well equipped to assist employers in developing or updating safety and health management programs for employees working domestically, but can also assist employers who are sending employees to work abroad –something that is becoming the norm rather than the exception for United States employers. Often times, employers ...
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Cybersecurity Best Practices — How General Counsel Can Prepare For The Worst

Take note GCs: The question is not if you will have to respond to a cybersecurity incident—the question is when. That was the message from speakers and panelists at the Association of Corporate Counsel’s annual meeting this year. Indeed, the majority of all U.S. businesses have experienced at least one cybersecurity incident in the last year, with some ...
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