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Businesses Should Prepare For Predictive Scheduling Laws

Last month, Victoria’s Secret agreed to pay $12 million to settle a class action lawsuit in California brought by hourly employees that were denied pay as a result of the store’s use of on-call shift scheduling.  In that lawsuit, the employees relied on a California law requiring employees, who report for work on a scheduled ...
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Cloud Control: Data Security Hazards and How to Avoid Them

Cloud computing, virtually nonexistent 15 years ago, is now verging on being the rule rather than the exception in the business world. According to the Gartner technology research firm, by 2019, more than 30 percent of the 100 largest vendors’ new software investments will have shifted from cloud-first to cloud-only, and by the year 2020, ...
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Where ‘Natural’ Takes on A Whole New Meaning

The term “natural” in the food and beverage industry has long been an effective selling point as U.S. consumers look to live healthier lifestyles. An issue, however, arises when the term is deployed to entice consumers, regardless of whether the product is in fact “natural” as an average person would understand the term. On that ...
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Inconsistent Performance Standards Dooms Defense Case

Over the years, a consistent theme of this column has been that employers need to hold all employees, regardless of protected characteristic, to the same standard in order to avoid even the appearance of discrimination. These are generally “employment words to live by.” Realistically, however, managers often hold more senior employees to a higher standard ...
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Hotels Hit With Loyalty Program Patent Demand Letters

A number of hotels in Texas and around the U.S. are receiving alleged patent infringement demand letters related to hotel loyalty (rewards) programs. The demand letters were created by the organization “JBSHBM, LLC.,” and relate to allegations that a hotel is violating JBSHBM’s patent rights by participating in hotel brand loyalty programs. See a sample ...
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Workplace Harassment 101

One lesson companies of all sizes can learn from the sexual harassment claims that Uber is facing is that an employer needs to set clear restrictions on harassment and make a conscious effort to hold employees accountable to those workplace standards.  In particular, sexual harassment has been a significant issue in the workplace since men ...
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The Sharing Economy And Discrimination Concerns: What Can You Do?

Recent studies have reported that race and gender disparities are not uncommon in the sharing economy. For example, it’s been reported that some gig workers were discriminating against customers with names that “sounded Black.” Women and workers of color are more likely to garner negative reviews from customers. And now, a recent study found that people ...
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“Civil” War At The Workplace: Enforcing Civility Rules In Light Of Federal Roadblocks

Almost everyone would agree they prefer to work in a civil and respectful environment. Because of this, many employers have developed policies and training sessions to promote civil and respectful behavior in the workplace. This seems like a logical move, particularly because there exists an obligation to protect employees from illegal harassment, discrimination, and retaliation. ...
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Is Your Company’s Hurricane Plan Ready?

With the first tropical storm of the season bearing down on the Gulf Coast, it is a good time to dust off your HR Department’s Hurricane Plan and make sure it is up to date. If you don’t have one, it is an even better time to put one together. Attachedis Cozen O’Connor’s HR Guide for ...
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