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Drones: Asset or Liability for Developers?

Over the past decade, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs, or “drones”) have grown increasingly more sophisticated and affordable. With the pairing of drones and similarly flourishing digital video capture technology, many commercial real estate developers have embraced drones as a quick, inexpensive method for surveying vast tracts of property. For example, the popular DJI Phantom quadcopter ...
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Hotels, Restaurants, and Firearms

On July 9, the Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC) reported a marked increase in permits to carry concealed firearms. Citing official state reports as its sources, the study describes a 130-percent increase (p.4) in the number of Americans with concealed carry permits from 2007 and 2013. In 2007, 4.6 million citizens had a concealed carry license (CCL); in 2013, that number increased to ...
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Ebola Examined: The History of a Viral Scourge

In 2014, we’ve seen epidemics and pandemics portrayed extensively in film and theorized about in mass media. Despite the low fatality rates associated with real-life outbreaks like modern-day H1N1, pandemics are typically portrayed as diseases with a devastating fatality rate. Just when we’re ready to chalk up the exceptionally high body counts of the plagues in Contagion and 24 Days Later to ...
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To the World Cup and Beyond: Efective Risk Management

Effective risk management (against calamities such as political unrest, violent crime, health problems, ransom kidnapping, automobile accidents, building fires, and the like) is correlated with intelligent decision-making. Sending off employees to a foreign country might expose them to the risk of contracting diseases they had never before imagined, or to completely different laws and traditions—or ...
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Declining Flight Crew Health and Happiness Degrades Air Safety

We all have our pre-flight rituals. Some passengers need a coffee and a magazine. Others, not as keen to flying, spend their time before takeoff silently praying that the engines don’t fail; as it turns out, engine integrity may be the least of their worries. Recent studies indicate that the health and job satisfaction of ...
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ID Scanners: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Lately, bars, lounges and nightclubs are using a variety of new devices that scan patron identification cards upon entry, storing the information for future reference, and in some instances, sharing the information with other proprietors or using it for marketing purposes. The justification for the scanners is that they assist in age verification and fake ...
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GCTRM: The Future of Duty of Care Education

Each year, hosts the Global Congress on Travel Risk Management in Houston, Texas. This conference serves as a converging force for travel risk management, uniting every role (travel, legal, risk, compliance, safety and security, human resources) involved in Duty of Care in a dynamic environment of experts and stakeholders. We proudly announce the successful ...
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