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What is a Safe Floor? – Expert Article

Do you provide a safe floor for your guests? What about your employees? Slip, trip, and fall injuries are accidents; however, they could be the result of not providing a safe floor. Although each case is unique, there have been found to be “common factors” in these situations. Anthony Shinsky of Robson Forensic explores what ...
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Where Liability Falls When Guest Safety is Compromised

by: Casey Gale It almost sounds like the beginning of a low-budget horror movie. According to his claims, in 2008 Michael David Barrett gained access to a back-of-the-house phone in the Nashville Marriott at Vanderbilt University to learn sportscaster Erin Andrews’s room number. Without using Andrews’s name, he requested to be placed in the neighboring ...
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Visiting Cuba: Tourists Lining Up to Visit Cuba, but Many Obstacles Remain

President Barack Obama’s mid-December 2014 announcement that the US would restore diplomatic relations and ease tensions with the Castro government ignited US travelers’ interest in visiting Cuba. In defiance of a continuing ban on tourism, in the first three months of 2015 more than 50,000 US citizens visited the island—a 36 percent increase from the ...
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Restructuring Hotel Landscape Models

Restructuring Hotel Landscape Models: Can’t scare me! When considering restructuring hotel landscape models worldwide, there are “three major models” that consistently co-exist. These cover “a specific strategy that is part of the hotel industry’s recent history.” Georges Panayotis of MKG Group uncovers the new landscape by looking at and exploring these different schemes. Highlighting real ...
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Seven Key Takeaways from The Americas Lodging Investment Summit 2016 (ALIS)

“A modest tempering of enthusiasm for development, performance, and the near future of the U.S. hotel industry was prevalent among delegates at the 2016 ALIS conference in Los Angeles, which traditionally sets the tone for the present year of lodging news and forecasts. Forecasts call for a continuing rise in hotel RevPAR and NOI; however, ...
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Limiting Off-Duty Access To The Hotel

Many hospitality employers are surprised to learn that employees have a right under federal labor law to access the exterior, nonworking areas of the hotel property in their off-duty hours for union or other protected concerted activities. Hospitality employers are also surprised to learn that handbook rules prohibiting any off-duty employee access or conditioning off-duty ...
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Unusual and Inexpensive Energy-Saving Tactics for Hotels

Over the years, facility hotel and building managers have introduced many different and unusual methods for saving energy. Some were extremely expensive, while others were more or less just common sense. Some ideas that have been suggested in the marketplace could literally be characterized as outright fraud, where salespeople espouse that their magic black box ...
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Reconciling Airbnb with Duty of Care for Corporate Travel

Worldwide phenomenon Airbnb (and others like VRBO and HomeAway), the website that allows people to rent out lodging spaces (typically privately-owned residences), has established itself as a disruptive force in the hospitality industry. It allows travelers to enjoy unprecedented flexibility at substantially reduced costs, and via a proven profile rating system has earned itself a ...
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