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The TSA Debacle Can Be Solved, But Cooperation is Required

Airlines, Operating Authorities and Passengers Need to Help Out The Transporation Security Administration (TSA) is once again under fire. This time, it is not for potentially dangerous security lapses or employee misconduct. It is taking the blame for tortuous airport security lines, some of which extend out to sidewalks in front of terminals, causing many ...
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Detecting and Neutralizing Terrorist Plots in Europe Requires Greater Integration of Intel and Police Agencies

Europe suffered yet another horrific terrorist attack last month, this time in Belgium.  ISIS-inspired, radicalized, young European men placed multiple explosive devices in a departure terminal of the Zaventem International Airport in Brussels, causing massive loss of life.  They simultaneuosly blew up a commuter rail car packed with passengers.  The attacks, coordinated among disenfranchised Belgian ...
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Visiting Cuba: Tourists Lining Up to Visit Cuba, but Many Obstacles Remain

President Barack Obama’s mid-December 2014 announcement that the US would restore diplomatic relations and ease tensions with the Castro government ignited US travelers’ interest in visiting Cuba. In defiance of a continuing ban on tourism, in the first three months of 2015 more than 50,000 US citizens visited the island—a 36 percent increase from the ...
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Reconciling Airbnb with Duty of Care for Corporate Travel

Worldwide phenomenon Airbnb (and others like VRBO and HomeAway), the website that allows people to rent out lodging spaces (typically privately-owned residences), has established itself as a disruptive force in the hospitality industry. It allows travelers to enjoy unprecedented flexibility at substantially reduced costs, and via a proven profile rating system has earned itself a ...
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Safety Is Your Business: Duty of Care in the News

The developing world and its emerging economies offer golden opportunities for firms large and small to explore new investment frontiers. This means sending employees, including executives, to foreign countries where conditions may be less than safe. Business travelers may encounter anything from small-time corruption to full-scale riots, and if you’re involved in travel risk management, ...
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The Risky Business of Travel

Employees traveling internationally can create remunerative results and attain a reinvigorated pleasure in traveling as a representative of the company. Traveling across the pond for business purposes may also result in an onslaught of predicaments for the company. Predicaments that the employee might not have been informed of prior to departure. Small and large companies ...
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Wage/Hour Law Compliance for International Business Travelers and Guest Workers

Most every country imposes wage/hour laws that regulate minimum wages and overtime pay as well as (in most countries) holiday pay, vacation pay, rest breaks and total hours worked. Usually these wage/hour laws reach not only locally hired staff but also inbound expatriates whose places of employment have become the host country. But the analysis ...
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GCTRM: The Future of Duty of Care Education

Each year, hosts the Global Congress on Travel Risk Management in Houston, Texas. This conference serves as a converging force for travel risk management, uniting every role (travel, legal, risk, compliance, safety and security, human resources) involved in Duty of Care in a dynamic environment of experts and stakeholders. We proudly announce the successful ...
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