Insurance & Loss Prevention ( Page 12 )

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Active Shooting: It Can’t Happen Here

After almost every active shooting in the United States the residents of the victim city invariably say, “It can’t happen here”. But it does and in every state. From Hawaii and Alaska to Maine and Florida, active shooter deaths or workplace violence homicides have plagued communities. No state is immune. No community is unaffected by its brutality, insanity ...
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To the World Cup and Beyond: Efective Risk Management

Effective risk management (against calamities such as political unrest, violent crime, health problems, ransom kidnapping, automobile accidents, building fires, and the like) is correlated with intelligent decision-making. Sending off employees to a foreign country might expose them to the risk of contracting diseases they had never before imagined, or to completely different laws and traditions—or ...
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Captive Insurance: A Growing Trend For Financial Institutions Looking To Enhance Their Risk Management

For over a decade, more and more financial services companies have used captive insurance companies as part of their overall risk management strategy.  In its simplest sense, a captive insurance company is a wholly owned subsidiary of a policyholder’s parent company that underwrites and sells insurance to the parent and its subsidiary companies.  Captive insurance ...
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In Flight Cameras Would Assist in Accident Reconstruction, Crew Training and Enhanced Passenger Safety

With the final chapter on Malaysian Air flight #370 still unwritten, many aviation and security analysts seem to have attributed the tragedy to a sinister event, perhaps on the part of the pilot in command or the first officer.  Some have speculated that another crew member might have been responsible or even a passenger or ...
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Insurance Recovery for Business Interruption & Slowdown

What happens when a hotel suffers property damage, whether by natural disaster or man-made accident, and is forced to close some or all of its rooms, amenities or services? It is important to understand how insurance can protect you from the resulting financial loss. In addition to potential recovery for property damage from your property/casualty ...
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Weathering the Storm with “Crisis Response” Insurance

In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing. — Theodore Roosevelt Families save hard-earned dollars looking forward to an upcoming vacation or get-away. Our basic demands are few but fundamental. The ...
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Recent Hotel Incidents Serve as Cautionary Tales of Carbon Monoxide Health and Legal Risks

Recently media exposure regarding the dangers of carbon monoxide poisoning in hotels, motels, and resorts has seemed to increase. The issue has garnered attention among such major media outlets as ABC News’ 20/20,USA Today, andCNN. With good reason – a 2013 USA Today investigation showed that, “eight people have died and at least 170 others have been treated ...
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Duty Bound

“Duty of care” is the new buzzword across the travel risk management industry, as corporate travel managers increasingly recognize their central role and responsibility in creating a strong, balanced business travel policy that protects their employees. Though duty of care has existed in common law for a long time, the application of duty of care laws to the ...
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