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Threat of Harm to Others — What’s an Employer to Do?

An employee who operates a forklift begins to act erratically. While he had always been a solid performer, his judgment is off, and he is quick to become angry. The supervisor fears he might injure someone. What should the employer do? One step the employer must take is to determine whether the errant behavior is ...
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Ensuring Child Labor Law Compliance Amid Growing Scrutiny

In February, the New York Times published an investigative report regarding alleged employment of underage migrants, many from Central America, at U.S. companies.1 While employment of certain minors is permitted under federal and state law, there are restrictions regarding the type of work, schedule and hours that minors may work. The media scrutiny brought focus to ...
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Labor Department’s Proposed Overtime Rule Could Raise Salary Floor to $55k: Here Are 8 Ways Employers Can Prepare Now

Labor Department’s Proposed Overtime Rule Could Raise Salary Floor to $55k: Here Are 8 Ways Employers Can Prepare Now

Employers may need to adjust their pay practices now that the Labor Department has issued its long-anticipated proposal to raise the salary threshold for exempt employees – a change that could make more of your employees eligible for overtime premiums. The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) announced today that it intends to significantly raise the ...
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NFT non fungible token golden coins falling. Trendy cryptocurrencies and coins on the blockchain technology. Close up view of crypto money in 3D rendering

Grabbing a Slice of the Pie: NFTs in the Food and Beverage Industry

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have grown in popularity across several areas, and it seems that the food and beverage industry might be jumping on the trend. Specifically, fast food giants like Pizza Hut and Papa Johns have launched NFTs to promote products, according to a recent report by Research and Markets ( looking at NFT usage ...
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Side view pregnant woman with big belly advanced pregnancy in hands. Banner copyspace for text. Elegant mother waiting baby

Employers, Take Note: New Protections for Pregnant Workers Effective June 27, 2023

The Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (“PWFA”), which became effective on June 27, 2023, is a new law requiring covered employers to provide reasonable accommodations for a worker’s known limitations related to pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions unless the accommodation would result in an “undue hardship” to the employer.  Examples of “related medical conditions” include ...
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Woman holding chalkboard with list of gender pronouns near color wall

Using Employees’ Requested Pronouns: It’s About Dignity, Respect and Minimizing Legal Risks

As employers strive to create inclusive and compliant workplaces, you should note that using an employee’s requested pronouns not only conveys respect but also helps you stay in compliance with anti-discrimination laws. In fact, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) takes the position that intentionally and repeatedly using the wrong pronouns to refer to LGBTQ+ ...
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Retaliation claim lying on the desk with gavel.

5 Tips to Avoid Workplace Retaliation Claims

Employers know how important it is to comply with workplace anti-discrimination laws – but equally important is ensuring that employees who complain about perceived discrimination are not retaliated against for doing so, even if the underlying claim is never proved. Why is this so important? Retaliation is the most common type of claim filed with ...
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Book spines listing major world religions - Judaism, Islam, Catholicism, Hinduism, Buddhism and Protestantism.

Accommodating Religious Beliefs and Practices: What Employers Need to Know About the U.S. Supreme Court’s Decision in Groff v. DeJoy

On June 29, 2023, the U.S. Supreme Court issued its decision in Groff v. DeJoy, marking a significant shift in religious accommodation law and shaping how employers are required to accommodate employees’ sincerely held religious practices and beliefs. This ruling raises the standard for employers, challenging them to make greater efforts to accommodate their employees’ sincerely ...
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Pensive Asian bar owner using laptop to pay bills online

Virtual Form I-9 Inspection Pilot Program for Non-E-Verify Employers 

On August 3, 2023, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) proposed a new pilot program for virtual Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification inspections that would apply to employers not currently enrolled in E-Verify. This proposed new rule will be open for comments for the next 60 days before its planned implementation into the Federal Register.  ...
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Aggressive/angry boss complaining asian business woman(casual uniform) in cafe office

What Employers Can Learn from the Lizzo Lawsuit: Tips to Avoid Hostile Workplace Allegations

Singer-songwriter Lizzo was all over the headlines last week — but not for one of her latest hit songs. Instead, the Grammy-award-winning entertainer was sued by three former dancers asserting various claims, including hostile work environment and discrimination. While Lizzo and her brand denied the allegations, the situation is a cautionary tale for employers and ...
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