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Legal Perspective on the Health, Safety & Security Responsibilities for US Mobile Workforce

Fisher & Phillips LLP attorneys are not only well equipped to assist employers in developing or updating safety and health management programs for employees working domestically, but can also assist employers who are sending employees to work abroad –something that is becoming the norm rather than the exception for United States employers. Often times, employers ...
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Cybersecurity Best Practices — How General Counsel Can Prepare For The Worst

Take note GCs: The question is not if you will have to respond to a cybersecurity incident—the question is when. That was the message from speakers and panelists at the Association of Corporate Counsel’s annual meeting this year. Indeed, the majority of all U.S. businesses have experienced at least one cybersecurity incident in the last year, with some ...
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6 Ways to Protect Yourself Against a Data Breach

The threat of credit card data breaches and hacks throughout companies is unfortunately becoming more common as the world expands globally and technologically. As a traveler, the last thing you want to worry about is whether or not a stranger will gain access to your personal and company information through your credit card or other ...
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Responding to Crisis Effectively

In crisis, efforts toward the planning, training, and coordination of resources enable an organization to surge toward the protection of its assets and operations during disruption. However, what cannot be surged is stakeholder trust and confidence. Prior to crisis, a requisite level of capabilities must be developed and maintained to provide stakeholder confidence that assets ...
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Real ID Act goes into effect for travelers January 22, 2018

If you have gone through airport security recently, you’ve probably seen these signs posted:Phase 4 of the Real ID act goes into full effect on January 22, 2018, requiring that travelers present a Real ID compliant form of identification when boarding domestic flights. At this point, the majority of state IDs and drivers licenses are ...
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What American Companies Need to Know about the EU’s New General Data Protection Regulation

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a new data privacy and security law in Europe that will go into force on May 25, 2018. Every organization that does business with EU customers, regardless of the home base of the organization, and regardless of the size of the organization, must come into compliance or risks ...
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Pre-Travel Health Planning Can Help You Avoid Common Issues

Pre-travel health planning is paramount. Travelers can face a variety of health-related threats while traveling abroad from infectious diseases and injury to exacerbating pre-existing medical conditions. Fortunately, many of these issues can be mitigated and even prevented prior to departure. Let’s take a look at some basic and proactive pre-travel health measures you should consider ...
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Venue Protection in an Asymmetric Environment

In the aftermath of the horrific shooting at the Mandalay Bay Resort in Las Vegas on October 1, hotel operators, cinema and restaurant managers as well as security personnel assigned to outdoor venues, have logically asked themselves how they can go about “hardening” the location. Specifically, what reliable measures can they take to make the ...
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Cloud Computing Crash Course: Safety First

When it comes to privacy and security laws governing sensitive data, you don’t have to be a financial or health institution to have information that is subject to state and federal regulation. Almost every organization with employees stores some personally identifiable information. Simply storing an employee’s name, email address and date of birth will be ...
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How to Protect Your Online Privacy

On a daily basis, the global media reports a huge loss of personnel data, damaged reputations, pilfered intellectual property, or millions of dollars stolen as the result of cyber incidents. An event reported in the news today will likely be eclipsed in scale or audacity in a few months’ time. Neither banks, global corporations, celebrities, ...
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