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Food Safety Insurance and The FDA’s Forthcoming Rule

A recent ruling by the California Supreme Court continues a national trend of decisions over the past several years denying coverage for potential contamination incidents under product contamination insurance (PCI) policies. The latest decision is rendered at a critical time for the food industry. By the end of summer, food companies face regulatory transformations not ...
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Foreign Trip Travel Insurance and Evacuations

One of my clients recently requested foreign trip travel insurance to Kurdistan through a major insurance company. While discussing the proposal with the underwriter, I asked if Kurdistan was on a no-travel list.  Her response:  “Oh, it should be fine!” Somewhat perplexed by her reaction, I politely informed her that Kurdistan is a province in ...
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Think Your Workers’ Compensation Covers Everything? Think Again!

You might think your workers’ compensation covers all work-related injuries and illnesses. This could prove a costly mistake. In most cases, workers’ compensation will cover work-related injuries and illnesses. But in certain special circumstances—which might apply to your company—the basic workers’ compensation policy will not provide coverage. This could leave your company on the hook for a costly workers’ compensation claim. Out-of-State Coverage On any work ...
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Don’t Settle Away Your Liability Insurance

When settling a lawsuit against your company, you should do everything you can to keep your insurance company aboard. If the insurance company unreasonably refuses consent to a fair settlement, though, be prepared to fight. Most hotels buy commercial general liability insurance to ensure that if they are sued by a third party, their insurance ...
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Small Business Safety and Threat Reduction

A Basic Guide To Conducting a Threat Assessment For Your Small Business How does the small business owner detect and prevent physical and cyber threats to the enterprise? Is it necessary, worthwhile or should anyone really care? With everything else for the shopkeeper to do, between ordering and inventorying merchandise, training employees and trying to ...
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Suction Entrapment in Hotel Swimming Pools

Background In June of 2002, 7-year old Virginia Graeme Baker drowned when she became stuck to the suction drain outlet of a hot tub.  Baker, who had been swimming without assistance since age 3, was trapped underwater against the drain by the suction force of the water flowing into the drain.  She was unable to ...
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An Introduction to Data-Driven Decisions for Managers Who Don’t Like Math

Not a week goes by without us publishing something here at HBR about the value of data in business. Big data, small data, internal, external, experimental, observational — everywhere we look, information is being captured, quantified, and used to make business decisions. Not everyone needs to become a quant. But it is worth brushing up ...
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It’s Time to Investigate Cyber Insurance

Most IT leaders plan for cyber-attacks by constructing firewalls and installing security hardware and software. Even so, with the widespread proliferation of malware, companies are finding that their IT infrastructure has been attacked, customer data has been compromised, the IT system is being held for ransom, and assets are missing. Almost every day there are ...
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Importance of Business Income From Dependent Properties Coverage

On February 11, 2014, John Henitz and I spoke on a panel at the @Hospitality_Law 2014 Conference discussing maximizing coverage for large property and business interruption claims. We presented a hypothetical scenario in which Acme Hospitality is a full service Real Estate company that owns several hotels, including one in Galveston, Texas that a hurricane ...
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A Guide to Cyber Coverage

This article was first published in the ABA Coverage Journal July-August 2014, Vol. 24, No. 4. Unless you have been living under a rock for the past few years (without a wireless connection), you are likely familiar with the countless news stories that unfold every day reporting seemingly fantastic tales of cyber espionage, hacker attacks, ...
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