Yearly Archives: 2017 ( Page 6 )

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“Civil” War At The Workplace: Enforcing Civility Rules In Light Of Federal Roadblocks

Almost everyone would agree they prefer to work in a civil and respectful environment. Because of this, many employers have developed policies and training sessions to promote civil and respectful behavior in the workplace. This seems like a logical move, particularly because there exists an obligation to protect employees from illegal harassment, discrimination, and retaliation. ...
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The London Grenfell Tower Fire Will Provoke Soul-Searching and Hopefully, Reforms

Nearly 16 years after the tragedy of September 11, 2001, the world has seen a proliferation of new skyscrapers, reaching heights heretofore unheard of. In spite of the horrific images of that day that linger in the minds of citizens worldwide, construction of new “superstructures” continues unabated. This month, we take a look at measures ...
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Is Your Company’s Hurricane Plan Ready?

With the first tropical storm of the season bearing down on the Gulf Coast, it is a good time to dust off your HR Department’s Hurricane Plan and make sure it is up to date. If you don’t have one, it is an even better time to put one together. Attachedis Cozen O’Connor’s HR Guide for ...
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Walking The E-Verify Tightrope: The Balance Between Compliance And Avoiding Discrimination Claims

Here’s the skinny: the Trump administration wants to make E-Verify mandatory for all employers. The electronic database that immediately confirms an individual’s eligibility to work in the United States has been promoted as a necessary step in the ramp-up to heightened immigration enforcement, which is a major focus of the new administration. President Trump’s first ...
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OTA & Travel Distribution Updates – June 23rd, 2017

“OTA & Travel Distribution Updates” is posted weekly by Duff on Hospitality Law, which is run by Greg Duff of Garvey Schubert Barer. Originally begun as an exclusive update to clients, these pieces are now publicly distributed a week behind the exclusive update. Although these posts are a week or two behind the initial update, ...
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Workplace Violence Occurring At Alarming Rate: Time For Employers To Be Proactive

It’s a news headline we’ve seen too often, including several times in recent weeks: another disgruntled employee or former employee has entered the workplace and killed or injured coworkers. What can you do to minimize the chances that your workplace will suffer such a tragedy? Employers Should Avoid “Wait-And-See” Approach Often the employee assailant previously ...
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TSA Warns of Vehicle Ramming Attacks

This past week, the US Transportation Security Administration (TSA) disseminated a report on the increasing frequency with which extremists are utilizing trucks and other vehicles as weapons by ramming them into pedestrians or other public gatherings of people. The document, titled “Vehicle Ramming Attacks: Threat Landscape, Indicators and Countermeasures” was sent to local law enforcement ...
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A New Trend — States Banning Questions Regarding Salary

In light of the current political climate and the corresponding lack of legislation being enacted at the federal level, some of the more liberal states and localities have begun to take matters into their own hands and enact their own legislation.   One trend that is starting to gain significant momentum is in the field of ...
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President Trump Sets New Standards for Cybersecurity

President Trump has issued a much-anticipated executive order (EO) on cybersecurity. The order requires all federal executive agencies to adhere to a single security framework and is intended to improve the nation’s defenses against pervasive cyberattacks. In light of this order, clients may ask more pointed questions about the security policies and procedures that a ...
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Franchisors: Protecting Trade Secrets Under Texas Law

Franchisors frequently face this common scenario: upon termination or expiration of a franchise agreement, the franchisee leaves the system with the franchisor’s confidential information and trade secrets and – worse – attempts to use that information in a competing business. Confidential information – including secret recipes, proprietary processes and customer lists – is the lifeline ...
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