Articles Posted by Security Strategies Today

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Hotel Operators Need to Address the Asymmetric Threat

It’s happened again-a terrible attack on a hotel, followed a few days later by the deadly commandeering of an ambulance and its subsequent use as a bomb. Afghanistan, more than 16 years after the US and its NATO allies first launched an all-out assault on the Taliban and Al Qaeda, continues to be a hotbed ...
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Venue Protection in an Asymmetric Environment

In the aftermath of the horrific shooting at the Mandalay Bay Resort in Las Vegas on October 1, hotel operators, cinema and restaurant managers as well as security personnel assigned to outdoor venues, have logically asked themselves how they can go about “hardening” the location. Specifically, what reliable measures can they take to make the ...
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Travel Safety: Use of Vehicles as Weapons

It’s happened again-this time in Barcelona, on the popular tourist and historic street known as Las Ramblas.  A man using a van as a weapon careened down one of the two narrow side streets that border the wide pedestrian path and used it as a missile of sorts, killing 14 innocent people and injuring up ...
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The London Grenfell Tower Fire Will Provoke Soul-Searching and Hopefully, Reforms

Nearly 16 years after the tragedy of September 11, 2001, the world has seen a proliferation of new skyscrapers, reaching heights heretofore unheard of. In spite of the horrific images of that day that linger in the minds of citizens worldwide, construction of new “superstructures” continues unabated. This month, we take a look at measures ...
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TSA Warns of Vehicle Ramming Attacks

This past week, the US Transportation Security Administration (TSA) disseminated a report on the increasing frequency with which extremists are utilizing trucks and other vehicles as weapons by ramming them into pedestrians or other public gatherings of people. The document, titled “Vehicle Ramming Attacks: Threat Landscape, Indicators and Countermeasures” was sent to local law enforcement ...
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The “Active Shooter” or Mass Shooter Subject Profile

Another day, another mass shooting in the US: We can blame it on a number of factors, from the proliferation of guns in the urban and suburban environments to socialization factors or on the effect of violent videos, movies and even game “apps” for smart phones. A number of explanations of the phenomenon have been ...
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Simple Tips to Speed your Way and Enhance your Security

The end of year holiday period is full of cheer, family and friends and at times, travel.  But ask any experienced traveller and you will hear in short order that it is one of the most stressful periods in the year for air travel.  Long lines, surly airline employees and at times inconsiderate fellow passengers ...
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Fifteen Years On, Where Do We Stand?

With the fifteenth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks commemorated a few days ago, we thought it would be appropriate to take the pulse of where we were in the immediate aftermath of those horrible events and where we are now. Are Americans safer? Is the world in general safer? Has the threat of terror attacks ...
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Airport Public Access Areas-Can They Be Safer But Still Welcoming?

So far in 2016, we have had the horrific Brussels-Zaventem airport attack and subsequently, an equally devastating bombing and shooting at the Istanbul-Ataturk airport, one of Europe’s busiest.  Both attacks occurred in areas readily accessible to the public.  In Brussels, suicide bombers targeted check-in areas, blowing up their explosive vests and killing 32 people.  In ...
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The TSA Debacle Can Be Solved, But Cooperation is Required

Airlines, Operating Authorities and Passengers Need to Help Out The Transporation Security Administration (TSA) is once again under fire. This time, it is not for potentially dangerous security lapses or employee misconduct. It is taking the blame for tortuous airport security lines, some of which extend out to sidewalks in front of terminals, causing many ...
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